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Posts posted by mppaul22

  1. Although we women like to look good..everywhere for our guy, the bottom line is they generally care when we make it a priority for us to care about something. If you are with a guy who like brazillans..most likely he LEARNED to like them from a former female. Take care of you...first for you and he will learn to appreciate that part of you. I like brazillans because they are neat and make me feel cleaner...especially in the summer


    What ever you do with you waxing or shaving...do what you like, but make it a priority because you like it..you want to be clean or neat or not have yuck bikini line hair sticking out...what ever the case...just you go with it. I say this because no two guys will like the same thing and you don't need to start with something as private as you PRIVATES..being concerned about what a guy will or won't like. It's your body..treat it like the temple it is and see just how the RIGHT guy responds to ALL of you

  2. Hi all,


    Me and my honey have been together almost 10 months! Although our christmas was apart...due to a disagreement and misspoken words, we had a wonderferful week following and brought in the new year with a commitment to a trip to his home, Kenya, in Sept 2008, after he's graduated (will start his MBA this spring or summer semester).


    Although he estimated a budget of $10,000, I suggested $15,000, just to make sure I have clean sheets and indoor plumbing in my hotel


    We have agree to open a joint account and beginning in April, deposit a set amount each month.


    I've never met his family, so this will be a combination graduation celebration for him and meet the family for me. Now my question is, I would like to be engaged by the time I meet his family and think this conversation should take place as soon as this September and no later than March of 2007, is that unreasonable for me and how should I approach this topic with him?


    Since we are making this joint financial commitment now, is that putting the cart before the horse?

  3. mppaul22 - how are things now?


    Things are good...as I said I did apologize in person. I went over on Saturday and cooked dinner. He has his MBA classes until 5:30 p.m. and it's about 45 minutes before he gets in. So I started dinner at around 6;15 p.m. so the smell of the roasted rosemary and garlic potatoes would greet him when he came throught the door


    For some reason, he couldn't explain, he decided to call his home number, not knowing that I was there. I picked up and he said, he was just checking to see if the phone was working, he had some problems earlier in the week. (Later he would tell me he knew the phone was working and something just prompted him to call the number). He asked how long I had been there, I said not long. He said he was close by and would be there shortly.


    When he walked in from the garage, the smell meet him and he said it smells really good in here, how did you know I would be hungry?


    The menu was


    Marinated Lemon and pepper Tilapia

    Roasted garlic and rosemeary red potatoes (the little guys)

    Green beans with mushrooms and onions in a butter sauce


    Shiraz wine for him, cabernet sauvangion for me was on the table in front of a bouquet of sun yellow flowers with a sprinkle of iris stalks in the middle (I can't recall the name of them but they were very bright and just what I thought would capture his attention). And of course a fragrant candle danced in the background adding to the elegantly mixing of the warm aromas of my sincere apology.


    However, Tuesday after the Monday when the mis statement happened, he made a knee jerk reaction and booked a ticket to Germany to visit friends Dec 22 and returning Dec 26th. He wishes he had taken a few more days and not pulled the trigger on that decision, but I think it will be fine...I'm okay that he's taking the trip.


    We will attend his company's Christmas party tomorrow evening...black tie affair.

  4. Ok, I could just be very fortunate or have a real concern...


    My honey of 9 months tells me that most times just seeing me is enough to get hm excited. No special moment needed...no special outfit (that's icing) just looking over at me at dinner or talking about what my co-worker said. Now I've seen the results and yes I'm flattered...but I have to ask the question...is this typical?

  5. Thank you all for your replies! As I said, I did apologize that night, I followed up with a letter, apoligizing again and asking for his forgiveness. He has called but I've been to ashhamed to talk to him. Maybe this evening, I will have the discussion. I did briefly speak to him last night, but just enough to know he received the letter and to tell him good night as we always do, speaking in his native langauge of Swahili.

  6. Hi All,


    first time here. I was talking do my SO about something trivial, but becasue he did not respond the way I hoped in the way of encouragement, I blurted out "you idiot'. He say's I said it twice and asked me why I would say that. I can't describe how bad I feel. I apologized, but he was hurt still, I could tell from his voice (on the phone). We hung up...pleasantly, but I couldn't sleep and wrote a letter explaining my real thoughts abou him. No explanation will justify this...I could just crawl into a hole.


    How do I get past this for me? I'm ashamed to even talk to him now.

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