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Posts posted by Irishgurl

  1. Wow... I am speechless and have goosebumps. What an incredible thread & some amazing answers.


    volution... I have to say that was one of the most powerful descriptions I have ever read and it brought tears to my eyes. Amazing...


    Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to this thread... I have definitely learned a lot!!


    One more question: If two people feel the exact same passion and chemistry, can't get eachother out of their minds and they both know how perfectly in sync they are and how well they fit together... would that still be Infatuation?

  2. thanks guys n gals... yeah it was a brutal morning but after talking with a couple friends, I decided what I need to do. So he is out of my life and it broke my heart... now it's time to move on and start doing the things I put on hold to make him happy.


    Like WyseOne said to me "he didn't take your life, he gave it back the day he walked out that door". How true is that!!!


    I'm getting too old to let this affect me. lol.

  3. I got dumped a week ago and as if it didn't hurt me enough... now he is going and posting on these forums we both go on how well he is doing & how he has gotten into working out & climbing & has some personal goals he wants to achieve for Xmas. He never wanted to work out with me and always made excuses not to...


    Why is he trying to hurt me even more than he already has??? Is he just trying to ACT like he is over me? Or is he really over me? Or is he just doing this to piss me off? I don't get it...


    When I met him, he was miserable & was stuck in a rut. I had a dream of becoming a cop, was heavy into fitness, had tons of confidence and lots of friends... now look... he took away my confidence and has now started to work on becoming a cop (he said he always wanted to anyway, I just pushed him more) and now he's into FITNESS??? It's like he is stealing my life away!!!


    I dont understand why he wants to hurt me so much...

  4. I completely think your attitude reflects how you feel about yourself. I compete in fitness shows and I know every time I diet down for a show & look incredible... my personality shines through. I am an entirely different and confident person when I know I look good or I've worked hard to accomplish something. When I dont like what I see in the mirror, I am generally a lot less happy with myself & my life... and not as fun to be around.

  5. Update: Ok so this evening I had an epiphony.... He doesn't deserve someone like me. I didn't lose my best friend... HE LOST HIS. My counselling session was incredible... she opened my eyes to so many things and when I left her office... I was able to take what she said and get to work on healing myself.


    She said it was ok to start being angry and look back on the things that weren't so great in the relationship. Well, I started to look back and he took away my confidence and made me feel like nothing I ever did was good enough. He was always asking me to change into someone I was not and I don't deserve that. A person should love someone for who they are... not for someone who they want them to be.


    For the time we were together, he made me feel so badly about myself and took away any happiness I once had. He turned it around & made me feel like everything was my fault. He doesn't deserve to be able to keep taking away my confidence after the fact that he left me. He doesn't deserve to be happy while I sit there & cry and throw up and wish I was back in his arms.


    I am going to take this step to move on & realize that I am better off without him. There is a guy out there who will love me for ME... and not for what he hopes I will be. I deserve to be happy & I am not going to sit here & mope around anymore.


    I took the day off work today and after my session, I went and hung out with my best friend. After that, I went for a long walk with an old friend. I realized that I felt more alone when I was with my bf than I do now without him. I have all the support and love I need from my friends. I don't need someone who would rather hurt me than respect me.


    Tomorrow I am going back to work and I am going to go on with my life. This is his loss... I am a wonderful, beautiful person with a big heart and I don't deserve to cry anymore. He can't take that away from me ANY LONGER.

  6. Day 5: Today I woke up in tears again. I was crying so hard in the shower I just trembled... no matter how hot the water was, I was just shaking. I made an appointment in an hour to see my counsellor.. I'm hoping she can help me through this. I can't live like this... no one can. I look like a rack of bones but I can't find the strength to eat.


    I took the dog for a walk & cried the whole way. *CENSORED* *CENSORED* *CENSORED* is wrong with me?? I used to be a strong 26 year old & now I feel like a weak child. This has robbed me of any happiness I once had.


    I don't really want to get into what happened right now... it hurts me too much to talk about it. I'm sorry.


    Thanks for all your support... I will get through this... just need to work on it day by day. I didn't throw up this morning so thats a start..


    Is love really worth the pain when it ends?? I opened up for the first time to someone and my heart is broken... how am I ever going to open up again?? I'm just devastated... completely & utterly devastated.

  7. Thank you to everyone who replied... I have been trying so hard to be strong but last night I dreamt about him & I woke up and haven't stopped crying. I miss him so much it literally makes me sick and I can't even face anyone today because I just start crying...


    I know I will get stronger & eventually cope but I just feel like I can't breathe sometimes...


    Thank you again for your support... it's very nice that I found this site which is so supportive. And thanks to Wyseone who has been helping me through this on MSN.

  8. For 4 days my heart has ached and I have shed a million tears. My body is exhausted itself from the sadness and I don't know if I will ever shake this feeling. I cannot bring myself to eat a morcel of food, for every time I do I vomit.


    In the matter of minutes, I lost the love of my life and my best friend. He consumes my every thought and is seen within my dreams. I can't escape him.. every time I look into the eyes of the puppy he gave me for my birthday, I see him.


    If I could just see his sweet smile or hear his laugh... touch his hand or just be held in his arms again... would I be freed from this pain? Or would it make it unbearable to know that I will never have that from him again..


    Today I woke up in tears, unable to free myself from the chains that bind him to my mind. I miss him so much my heart bleeds and my soul weeps. I feel so lonely and vulnerable without him here beside me. I fed off his strength and his wisdom... he made me want to be a better person and I tried to be the best I could for him, but it wasn't enough.


    I don't know how to cope.. or how to ween myself from the addiction. Every day feels like a dark tunnel of pain and I can't find the end. I wish I had his hand to guide me and to catch my fallen tears, but now I have to do this on my own.


    I just wish I could stop these tears from flowing and free myself to exist once again.

  9. Hi everyone... I'm 26 and am very much in love with my fiancee... the problem is... well... me.


    I didn't have a very loving childhood and was never close to my family... my parents never hugged us or kissed us good night, or ever said "I love you". I grew up never getting anything unless I worked for it... so needless to say I have a quite guarded and independent personality and have been working since the age of 11.


    I do not communicate well and bottle things up because I was brought up to never discuss my feelings.


    I do not let my fiancee help me with anything and I know it hurts him because it makes him feel that I do not want his help... but it is only because I want to do it myself.


    I lash out on him when I am having a bad day when I don't mean to... I just don't know how to communicate properly or separate personal issues from home life.


    I get very lonely when he is not around and I find it hard for me to get motivated to do anything I like to do on my own... because I want him there.


    I don't know how to properly support him when he needs it. I am there for him, I listen to him... but he is always saying he needs more and I don't know what that is.


    I am ready to change because I feel I owe it to myself to do this but I don't know where to start. Communication is definitely the top priority right now, but I also need to know how to properly show how I feel.


    He is a very kind and generous person who treats me very well and I love him with all my heart which is why I know I have to do this or I will ruin our relationship. Please help...


    Thank you for your support.

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