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Posts posted by ryan4622

  1. I am sorry about the "fling"

    She did say that she'll give us 2 years. (first divorce the 2 years) Then if she can depend on me again, we'll get married again. I would hate to do that. But, if it's the only way, then I'll have to.

    I did help out with everything. i love my daughter and tried to spend as much time with her as possible.

    She found out 39 days ago but, I wasn't in the country (i am an interpeter for Taiwan's Minister's who cant speak English and as much as I wanted, couldn't go back to Taiwan, I couldn't - we cureently live in Taiwan) and only really had time to speak to her today after I got back.

    How do I get her to go to marriage counseling with me asap?

    I really love her. I was wrong. Again, if we cold only turn back time....

  2. I have a question when you had your fling why did you do it, really?

    Like I said, I dont want to make any excuses but, our relationship went "down" after we had our baby. Felt like second best and STPIDITY.

    I don't know why. Started as aone-night-stand then, we had a brief (1 month) affair.

    I realized what I was doing and ended it.

    If we could only turn back time.....

  3. Well, we had a baby 19 months ago. After that, we didn't spend anymore quality time together and we had less sex. (as expected) She only had time for our lovely daughter, not for us anymore altough she made an effort. I could see that. I don't want to use our baby as an excuse but, it may be part of the reason. The other part: Stupidity

  4. I know I know. I found out too that I made the biggest mistake of my life by cheating on my wife with a "fling". I look back now and I can't believe what I did. I feel SO bad. I know I lefta big scare.

    I broke the realationship off with the "fling" and she phoned my wife and told her EVERYTHING. I also know I deserve it. I have a wonderful wife. I love her more than ANYTHING in the world but she's shouting divorce now. I can't blame her. I don't want to lose her and don't know what to do now. How do I get her to trust me again. Where do I begin, what do I say.

    Please help me. I can't see my future with anybody else. She is my life. I will never do anything again to mess up our lives but, how do I prove it to her. What can I do???

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