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Vs. My Flying Guillotine

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Posts posted by Vs. My Flying Guillotine

  1. Hello anyone willing to take a look at my post. hope your having a better night than i am, but im in dire need of some advice.


    I love a friend of mine. she is absolutley incredible. smart, talented, beautiful, talented, CUTE. anyway we're good friends and we've known eachother for a few years now. and our relationship is a little weird, the way we act towards eachother, well anyone who dosnt know us would think we hate eachother before we start laughing. we go out as friends sometimes and thats really the only time i get to be with her. (we have no classes together so i try to see her b4 class and between classes...im usually late) but lately, i havnt been able to get her out of my head. some days its really bad to the point where it affects my learning ability or ill totaly ignore my other friends for her. and she, is weird about relationships so it makes things harder, i guess, for me. there will be days where she IGNORES me all together, and these days i feel like total because it seems as though she dosnt want to be friends(and then i swear to myself ill get over her), and then there are days where she seems so glad to see me (sometimes after those bad day) and i get pulled back or further in. She's also a HUGE dan of yaoi (which for those of you who dont know is gay anime, which i think, depending on the way the guys are drawn (they look like girls sometimes) is rather cute aswell). and she only thinks boyxboy love is cute. she also dosnt seems to be the type of person to talk about her feelings with anyone, which makes it hard asking anything, because i know offends her to a point of ignoring the asker. so i need some advice on how to deal with this situation. any help really would be better than none at all.


    p.s. sorry if it seems randomized, im not very good at this sort of thing ](*,)

  2. alright, i'm totally in love with this girl, and have been for a long time. thing is whenever im around her im either mean or shy. we talk a lot and were great friends and she loves seeing me, and i love seeing her, even though we each act like the other is nothing. its weird because i've never really been able to give her a compliment, even tho she's so great. anyone on the "outside" able to give me a bit council on this dilemma?


    sorry everyone, but i just noticed I posted this in the wrong area

  3. in reply to the above...if you feel you have some sort of image to keep, then you are some kind of idiot (seriously, sorry but....) if your really happy who cares what others think right?


    and to lover: i went through the same thing when i was your age, infact ive still got this huge thing for the girl. anyway just try to break the ice with something funny, not a joke, but something funny. Before this girl, i was really REALLY shy, bot now im the guy everyone waits for. anyway, just dont be a total moron, but if it helps, show a little bit of that loose side. Trust me if your able to get close to her, you'll have a major confidence boost. (just dont assume things to quickly X.X)

  4. i find myself doing that through out most of the time im with the girl i like. when other of my girl-friends are around, ill end up flirting with them, and barley talk with her (which gets her really jealous [even tho she knows im only playing around]) and then when we're all alone ill actually talk and flirt with her some. i think its just certain kinds of guys that will do that, but depending on how they are they may take it a bit further than others. IMHO

  5. Any and all advice will gladly be taken


    I've been friends with this amazing girl for about 3 years now. shes talented, smart, fun to be with, cute, everything i could possibly want and so much more. She dosnt really hang out with guys outside of school though, only girls (most of which i know, shes not a lesbian though, thats just the way she is) and we're great friends. I started to like her back in 7th grade and i told her how i felt (which cost me alot), but i was able to patch things up. anyway since highschool started i barley get to see her in school due to classes but the bit that i do get to see her, i try and make her happy and laugh. but our relationship has always kinda been like "be mean to eachother, but only jokingly" and we mess with eachother alot, but end up laughing about it. Lately though its been hurting alot to see her because of how strong the feelings i have for her are, and not being able to tell her. some days we look at eachother and its as if theres something between us, and others its just like we're regualr friends. Ive also become so jeleous of some of my guyfriends who get to have classes with her every day. but thats beside the point. i need a bit of help bringing this all out and taking a huge load off my chest, but i cant seem to do it for two reasons, 1. just not ebing able to express how i feel twards her in a way that really wouldent make it so awkward every time we talk and 2. fear of losing her because of my feeling. so now im stuck between being hurt by my own feelings, or losing her. please, any advice would really help out, i've come to find that the advice my friends give me has become too bias to use.

  6. ok theres this girl i like. ive liked her for a while now and we're pretty good friends. im always trying to make her laugh, or alteast smile and atleast 95% of the time i do, which is ore than anyone else does. anyway i asked her out last year to a dance, but she turned me down. but now we've just been getting a lot uh...closer? we usually exchange eye contact throughout the day and she seems happy to see me when im around. but recently i heared that she liked one of my best friends from someone else who knows her. anyway she dosnt seem to act like it as much as around me so im not to sure whats going on. ive been driving myself to think that she does like me just to keep myself sane, but latley ive been slipping up and loosing sleep over her. im not sure what to do now cuz sometimes i get different vibes and sometimes we give eachother "That" kinda look. so if anyone could help me out it'd be great.

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