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Posts posted by elements2

  1. i like this guy and he likes me too but he has a girlfriend. he told me that hes soooo attracted to me and thats bad because hes got a girl. well weve stayed friends but its hard cause i like him so much. whatcani do cause we are supposed to meet up at a bar this weekend and i think we should talk .....DO I TELL HIM THAT I LIKE HIM AND MAYBE WE SHOULD KEEP SOME DISTANCE? DO I ASK HOW HIS GF FEELS ABOUT US BEING @ THE BAR TOGETHER? i just HAVE to tell him how i feel or ill always wonder what couldve been.....but i dont want to get hurt. what if he stays with his girl and keeps me onthe side?! but i do NOT what him to feel that he has to choose or anything. help?

  2. wow all of you guys just made me realize that that has been my problem with the last few guys ive liked.....ive just given them the best of both worlds, hoping theyll change, only to get hurt in the long run. if a guy really wanted me then they would make me their girl, not their girl on the side. SO WHATS WITH THAT? why am i always the girl on the side?

  3. please help. this guy has a girlfriend and i dont know what to do!!! I met this guy, we're in the same college. we started talking, eating lunch together and stuff and one day i put my number in his phone. then we got to know eachother more and he came to hang out at a bar with me. THEN he tells me he is really attracted to me but thats bad cause he had a girlfriend. Well i was shocked and upset be at that point i realized that i REALLY like him and i was soooo upset to hear he is taken. Now what do i do cause i have to see him no matter what, everyday at school. everytime i see him and talk to him i just like him even more. He is always calling and asking for us to get together and meet up at the bar or something. Two weekends ago he asked to hang with me and i shafted him last minute then last weekend i asked him to hang with me and my friends and he already had plans. so now he says for sure we have to hang out next weekend and i really really want to and i told him yes, but i want to know what his intentions are. If we hang out at a bar, now that i really have feelings for him, how am i supposed to act? I want to tell him how i feel or i want to tell him that we shouldnt talk but how? what exactly can i say? I have to deal with him at school everyday but should i tell him that i like him and i think we should keep our distance cause i dotn want to get hurt? AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGH! I know he likes me, I can tell he really likes me so this weekend at the bar will be interested. I think that we wont keep our hands off of one another with a couple drinks and the way that we want eachother, and then finally getting to be out of school at the bar.....well i dont know what to do. I dont want to hurt his girl but i sure as hell dont want to get hurt either but how do i find out how he feels? what should i say?

  4. so i talk to this guy, he and i are close friends and we are what you would call fwb or bed buddies for the past year. well the other day i went to the bar to see him cause he works there and he was a total jerk to me and he called me a 'petter' because he says that i was petting/touching this other guy, well that was just my friend and i wasnt all over him i just had to get close to his ear cause its loud in the bar and i told him what drink i wanted and i held on his shoulder...so not a big deal but this guy that i like is trying to make it seem like he was jealous so i said to the guy i like...,'come on did you see that guy, he so not attractive and he is m friend why do you care???' and he said that he doesnt mean to be the jealous type but he said that if i act like that to a guy im not attracted to then how does he know if im genuine toward him???? what is he on? i love him and i have been all about him since the day we met and he is gonna say he is jealous of my actions now and he is the one that wont date me...he says hes scared to be in a realtionship well no wonder why...i cant talk to another guy or hes jealous. well what do i do? i just keep thinking hes GOT to be joking becasue how can the guy that doenst want to be my boyfriend be jealous of me talking to another guy, talk about have your cake and eat it to. please help what should i do or say or think.

  5. I was hoping someone could help me. I always have this same problem, effecting all parts of my life and i really really need help. I even think lately that i should seek professional help but i thought i would try talking to friends first. this problem im talking about that i have is that i NEVER EVER do what i know i should do. #1 i want to start working out again, physically i dont need to, im really skinny but i need to cause i want to be in shape again and feel better about myself. but i can never get my butt up to do it. #2 i fell in live with this guy that i met about a year ago. we still see eachother and i still sleep with him even though from the beginning he told me he doesnt want a girlfriend and from the beginning i know hes been sleeping with other girls. i love him and he is the person in my life that makes me the happiest so i stick around in hopes that hell change his mind, grow up and want a relationship with me...now i know i should move on i should give up cause he MUST NOT be the right one if he isnt commiting but i actually believe that he is scared to commit so he sleeps with others, but im special and i mean the most to him.....of course this is NOT what i want. its like im in denial. i know he is with other girls but i try to not think about it so it doesnt feel like its really true, i know hell never commit but i try to think one day he might and ill never know if i let go, so i hiold on. #3 Even school is an issue for me. i put off everything until the last minute, im always trying to find an easy, 1/2 * * * way to do something. i can never just DO what I KNOW i HAVE to do. #4 im late for everything, i can never be on time no matter what. i have tried for 4 years now and i am still always tardy. ill be late to my own funeral!! what should i do? there are things in my life I WANT TO DO!!!!!!!! I want to exercise regularly, i want to eat better, i want not sleep with a guy unless he is commited to me and only me, i want to be better and school and i do the opposite of what i say. I also have a problem with drinking and smoking pot. I always say never again and then i go right back to it. Its like im stuck in habits and i need to be hypnotised to get back to square one. what can i do? im everything that i dont want to be? has anyone been like this before? what the heck is wrong with me?](*,)

  6. I love this guy that i am bed buddies with. we have had this friends with benefits/bed buddy realtionship since we met over a year ago. we have been through a lot and ive tried numerous times to let go and move on but i always end up going back for one reason or another. well recently again talked to the guy and told him that i cant see him anymore and its for real this time,. i told him not to call me or email me or IM me or anything because it sounds good to stay friends but its just too hard for me when i care about him so much. he flipped and told me not to do this to him and he was really sad sounded like he was gonna cry and told me that he cares about me more than i know and he doesnt wanna lose me and he misses me already even though im not reallly gone and i was never really there in the first place. he told me that he isnt really acting like his true self wants to . he said the real part of him wants to be with me but he is scared and he knows that he is selfish and hes sorry and blah blah blah...well of course i fell for it and i continue to see him. caause i thiought, wow he really opened up to me cause i was gonne leave, he must really care. and ever since then he really is different to me , he is alot more caring and hes being more reliable and he is just treating me a little better...i just want to know so bad if im being a fool and hes playing me or does he really feel the way he says he does.....how do i know is he is genuine, if he is sincere????

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