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Posts posted by Cloud83

  1. Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to read this,


    For all of my teenage years and into my twenties(I will soon be 21), I have struggled with very low-self esteem and poor self-image. Through high school I had no friends and got ridiculed a lot. I guess cause of my looks. I don't think I am very attractive. This hurt me a lot and it's how I started hating myself.

    I will be starting my fourth year in college, and though I have met some great people I call my friends, I still dislike my myself. It's weird...I like my life(my hobbies, friends, and even sometimes my job ). I just don't like myself and I don't like how I feel others think of me. I know my friends like me and this gives me some hope, but it's still hard for me.

    As of recent I've wanted to change the way I feel about me, but I don't know how. I just wish I knew how I could start liking myself. I browse these boards a lot and see many people giving and receiving great advice. If anyone could help me with this, my thanks goes out to you. Even if you can't thanks for taking your time to read this.

  2. Hi,


    I was the same way in high school. I never talked to anybody and never had any friends. I was afraid to talk to people, espically women(actually i still have a hard time talking to ladies ). Once I got to college everything changed. I am now in my secod year and loving it. I met a bunch of cool people and I go out all the time now. Just like jgib52 said, mostly everyone is cool in college and don't judge people right away. Just stick with it and eventually everything will turn out ok.


    Good luck with everything,


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