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Everything posted by 1st_kyu_kendoka

  1. First off, yes I just would like a hello with nothing after it. Second off, i am a concervitive so back off and keep poilitics out of these forums.
  2. What I mean is I do not like it when someone starts with a question not just hi or hello. After you have responded to their first hello then questions and conversation starters should work pretty well.
  3. There are some things that certain shy people don't like, one thing I have always hated is when someone tries to talk to me for the first time and opens with a question. I just like to have an opportunity to react to a simple hello so that the person knows whether or not I am in good mood. I really hate drawing attention to my self and when I answer a question in a way they don't like or just ignore them a crowd starts to form. If anyone disagrees with me or has another tip, please post. This supposed help people break the ice with shy people, and any other tips to help people would help it in that effort.
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