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Posts posted by couldbeme86

  1. dude, okay. look this happens to a lot of people and it sucks. but the best thing you can do is try to get close to her and see what happens in the end.i know it will kinda hurt to be friends with her after she turns you down. thats if she turns you down tho. sometimes chicks will tell someone something and not really mean it.but if it doesnt work out between the two of you then you can always try to be good friends with her. its the best thing you can do. sorry i cant tell you what to actually do but i dont even know what to do with my life.

  2. your in a dificult spot. see some people are more comfratible with their friends having a crush on them. others are assholes and make a bigger deal than they need to.if it turns out that your friend is gay then he might be having the same feelings twords you that you have for him.he might be afraid of what might happen if you found out that he was having those feelings.ive gone through the same thing except for my friend happens to be bi.i told her how i felt and she didnt act any diffrent. i did get turned down. but now that she knows how i feel she doesnt send the same signals because i told her that i was getting really confused about how she felt about me. but all you can do is wait and see what happens. wait a while and if he starts to send you signals again then tell him how you feel. it might help.

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