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Posts posted by heythere1234

  1. I'm not trying to make you feel worse, but I think you've (well both of you) been kind of odd about this situation. She was flirting with you, you didn't ask her out. You need to ask her out, or she'll think you're not interested and put you in the friend category. I don't know it was weird her talking about that other guy but it may have been a desperate attempt to get you to take action. It may be too late. Try not to be too moody with women, just tell her you're not in a good mood and you'll talk to her later.

  2. I've got a pretty stable job that I worked very hard for. My situation is kind of backwards. My boss is a really nice guy and we get along great together, even play golf. He's a standup guy. On the otherhand certain other people and just certain dynamics do tend to piss me off though. Oh, well, I guess that's why it's called "work" and not "fun".

  3. Cute hamster!! Well I wouldn't know how to respond if someone was asking me something so personal via text message. It's not really the best medium for that type of conversation. You should maybe ask her about the message next time you're on the phone with her or see her in person. Don't get too deep though. Just let her know you're wondering how things are going for her.

  4. K-I skimmed through and here is your answer. she definitely either


    A) Likes you and is waiting for you to stop dragging your slow *ss heels and ask her out and show some interest already!




    B) Thinks you're cute but doesn't really like you that much, but does like having attention, even from guys she doesn't intend to progress further with, and is thereforeeee directly and intentionally leading you on.


    Let us know which it is!

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