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Everything posted by ghost72

  1. Small update on this. I went to another work event today. I was sitting outside with some guys, just got there like 10 min ago. And the chick came outside and mentioned how I didn’t even say hi to her (I didn’t even enter the building yet). But then there’s no flirting by her the rest of the night. so I don’t know what’s up. I’ll admit I don’t really try to show much interest in her. But it’s cause the mixed signals. unless she gives me a clear sign that she’s interested I feel like it’s better not to pursue or try anything. Was that the sign? I don’t know.
  2. He is twice our age but he might I can’t rule that out.
  3. Yes and it just happened today again too.
  4. No one is dragging the office into it. You really think I’m going around work talking to people about this? News flash, I’m not. Like I stated 3 times in this thread already.
  5. >Stop talking to work colleagues about this. For the third time now, this never happened. JFC.
  6. If she wanted to set me up with her friend I would assume she has no romantic interest in me. But she never told me about this friend herself.
  7. I want to find out about this friend. Considering I do not work with this friend it's the best scenario to avoid any awkwardness. I just wish I was told about this person personally. I'm not sure why she told my coworker instead of me.
  8. They do not target me. Just cause I'm introverted doesn't mean I can't function socially with others. People have always said they like my sense of humor once they get to know me. Work is probably the only place where I've made genuine friends. I still talk to people I met in 2018 at work. I've been over to one of the coworkers you think was making fun of me's home and they have invited me to social events. I understand what you are saying but that is not the case here. I feel like I have good social awareness even though I'm not a social person by choice.
  9. So it's an elaborate plot to humiliate me for what? A lot of players in it I guess. Just a far fetched theory that I know isn't accurate but you will probably think it is for whatever reason. This girl at the least likes me as a friend, or else she wouldn't want to hang outside of work. What your saying is school bully movie plot.
  10. No and I don't assume the worst of people. Why did you come to that conclusion?
  11. Dude. I do keep it professional this girl has asked me 1. if I’m dating anyone 2. What I do outside of work 3. if I had instagram 4. said she’s missed me when I haven’t spoken to her in awhile. 5. Made this hand holding comment. 6. I get trolled at work because of her behavior towards me. It’s not because ANYTHING I do. are these professional actions? I’m not uptight and don’t hold it against her wanting to know more about me even though I don’t like sharing.
  12. I was thinking about asking her about her friend? But like I don’t understand how I can. She suggested we hang out outside of work one day with another girl who works here.
  13. Honestly can’t tell if you’re trolling or the reading comprehension just isn’t there for you. Your replies have been completely ignoring every point I’ve said.
  14. no one was offended by it. they just thought she was flirting. it really awkward and I got caught off guard, so I just said no with a smile and wanted to leave it as that.
  15. Other people witnessed it and thought it was weird by her. So yeah. It's not only me.
  16. Well she’s the one who made it awkward. It was a clear accident. It’s not like we held hands. Our hands/arms just brushed against each other for a half second. A nothing burger. the friend thing is something I had in the back of my head and meeting her friend is something I would prefer at this point cause I do not work with that person. But she has never mentioned it to me personally. Just someone else like a month ago
  17. I told her this months ago when she asked me because I didn’t want to be judged for not having a partner.
  18. Why was it so awkward then? Like multiple people looking at us and someone making a comment that are we going to end up together or something. Then she says the hand holding thing.
  19. When she came up to me at the happy hour someone noticed and teased her and me both. It was one guy in particular who talks to her a lot. i didn’t discuss, they witnessed it themselves as I stated. people think there’s something going on between me and her cause some guy in particular drives it cause of her behavior towards me
  20. I guess it’s just because others who witnessed it think she was flirting. To the point where one of my coworkers tried to get me to make a move after but I didn’t want too. im also trying to look at it from my own point of view. Personally I wouldn’t make a joke like that to a woman about an insignificant touch like that unless I was interested In her
  21. That is possible. I mean but she is a nice person. We have a friendly relationship and she has done favors for me and vice versa. She suggested once that I hang out with her and her friends outside of work.
  22. The first few replies to this thread starting assuming things and therefore I am adding clarity if I wasn’t clear before: 1. I didn’t tell people at work the hand holding thing, they witnessed it themselves and they were gossiping among themselves. 2. I keep my personal life at work private and I’m introverted. 3. I’ve been asked about my dating life and all I say is I’m single and I’m not looking to date anyone right now. People at work talk and I can’t do anything about it except don’t engage. I actually dislike sharing details about even my dating life and if I’m dating someone.
  23. What do you mean “airing out” this thread is kind of getting off topic already. People witnessed this as she said it in front of people. Who then started gossiping about it without me even saying anything. Trust me I’m not one to share things about my personal life as I’m introverted and quiet. Can the next replies please be about this specific situation.
  24. She asked me if I’m dating anyone and I said no. All I said. I even said I didn’t want a partner right now. She’s the one who seemed into my personal life. I did not ask her any questions like this. I don’t ask anyone about their personal life at my job for the most part.
  25. It’s not gossiping. They witnessed all this happened. I keep it professional. She is the one who has asked me personal questions about myself that is not relevant to work. But I like her as a person still.
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