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Everything posted by LovelyRoses

  1. Of course, arguing is important. But me and him only had 5 dates so I didn’t want to argue yet. I wanted to keep it light and friendly. At times I was blunt. He said he respected my bluntness.
  2. I do like them though. Like this happens after the point I’ve decided they have a nice personality. This last guy I felt like he had the power though and it’s something I really struggled with. I never tried to make him like me, I’m actually really proud that I showed up really authentically to him. I didn’t chase him (cause that’s not my vibe either). I was honest and communicative, just wish I was firmer. Like is this firm enough? He was visiting my home town for a training course. I then asked him if we are down to meetup to which he replied that he will be networking in the evening, what am I thinking? And I replied ‘ok, you’re going to have to help me out here because you will know better regarding timings. I can’t really come up with ideas if I don’t know what your availability is.’ I wish I was a bit firmer but I did try . and on the third date I said ‘I’m looking for a serious relationship and it would be lying if I said I was happy to settle with casual or a fling.’
  3. Well my friends reckon it’s the type of man I go for rather than anything I’m doing. I’m friendly and supportive to these men I date, I don’t argue, I’m not toxic, I’m caring. I’m also relaxed and not afraid to plan fun dates myself. I do feel nervous in dating but who doesn’t? My friends say even when I say I’m nervous I come across confidently. And I have to really try to ask questions rather than just talking about random stuff. I kinda just go with the flow have fun on dates and forget to ask the deeper questions. So I keep maybe blaming myself why a deeper connection doesnt develop but maybe the connection just isn’t there with these men Perhaps I just have to keep trying. I asked this recent guy if I did anything wrong, and my ex and they said ‘no it’s not you, you’re great, it’s my own issues. It’s nothing bad.’ When I don’t fancy a guy, I have a lot more firmer boundaries. When I like a man, I feel I relax them. I’m less firm with these men. And that’s out of fear they might think I’m problematic and leave
  4. I’m not I’m just trying to understand men for the future. I’m honest I’m moving on. im also confused if a man didn’t want anything serious, why did he hold my hands across the table at dinners or in the theatre and kiss my forehead. Seems strange to me
  5. Or thing, he’s moving away this week and starts a job next week and he told me he is stressed. I doubt he is dating anyone rn if he moves 3 hours away
  6. Dating sites. In real life I don’t get approached, men just stare. The last dates beofre I met this guy, the guys were literally saying things like ‘I don’t know why you’re on a date with me, I’m Ugly.’ And that’s a turn off for me this last guy was confident and he took care of me when he was with me. I felt safe and looked after. He cooked me nice meals. Even as friends now, he always picks up the phone when I need help with something
  7. Because men never want me i was suppose to go on a date tomorrow, and he hasnt confirmed this evening. He started sending me a message saying ‘ohhh I don’t think I’m going to be good enough for you, you’re hot.’ And now this guy has disappeared it’s always like this for me. I sit back and men just make no effort and ghost me. I’m friendly and make an effort with conversation the last guy said a few things that might be insensitive but honestly most men do, no man is perfect. I’ve never had a relationship before and I’m 30 and men just don’t chase me. I try bettering and bettering myself, I’m super independent and a very confident woman but now I’m scared men don’t want that
  8. Ok this guy is amazing to talk to. Intelligent and intellectual, our conversations are so fun and creative and we have loads in common. Hence I like him. He’s successful and dependable, mature and is a kind man. I was sad when he ended things as I think he did it too soon he did take me out to do a daytime activity a few weeks ago. He was hugging me a lot and telling me how well we got along. He kept touching me subtly but I don’t think he was aware of that. Then he was messaging me a lot in the week, but then as soon as he started his new job, he’s dropped off the scene and I haven’t heard from him for weeks. Maybe that’s normal for friendship. I’ve just never had a relationship and I’m 30 and I meet loads and loads of men and it’s always the same
  9. He was more talking about how he can’t sleep around like early 20s , as he’s got to think longer term now though during dates, he constantly used to talk about how hot the actresses were in movies we were watching. I never liked that and I wonder if it was done on purpose. Perhaps he was insecure and wanted a reaction from me which I never gave him btw! I just told him to shut up
  10. Do men really keep women as backup plans, that’s awful and I can’t make sense of it? I don’t think he’s dating anyone else. And no I don’t accept it, I think he’s being silly as we have a good connection and lots in common
  11. Men really keep girls as backup? That’s shocking! I don’t get the impression he dating anyone serious now though, I really don’t
  12. Self esteem goes up and down, especially with hormones. I see my friends from time to time but everyone has busy lives. I do volunteering socially but I just meet women
  13. Do men really do that? It baffles me! Feels so strange some guys would do that
  14. I hope it doesn’t mean I’m not good enough 😕 I thought he genuinely wanted me as a friend
  15. It is strictly platonic now. He’s not inviting me over and not kissing me so it’s not really a situationship what I have been confused by is the frequency he messages me lately. Sending lots of reels to watch etc. But then he’s stopped messaging me for the last 10 days.
  16. I might stop speaking to him now. im just trying to understand casual dating. Do men really use you if they are bored? He seems genuine and nice in person. Am I right to assume he’s probs not dating someone else
  17. I know. But I just worry he date someone else when we hang out. Does he sound like the kinda guy who just want casual, is that a thing? Does it even sound like he dating any woman seriously?
  18. Ok so I was dating a guy. He was hot and cold behaviour very confusing which made me anxious. We did get along well and he seemed interested on dates but Then he ends things and says he doesn’t feel romantic. Then 2 months later, he wants to catch up as friends. We go for drinks and he talks about how well we get along. The week after, he asks me if I’d like to go play golf at a driving range with him. It was nice but felt weird meeting someone I used to date. Then he’s always active on Instagram in the evenings, sending me lots of memes and reels and stuff like that. Then the other day, I was browsing the Facebook page of a bar me and him had our third date, and saw a photo of him the day after he dumped me with another woman. Made me feel a bit sad But I had a few curiosities. He deleted his dating apps after he ended things with me, but then when we hang out, he’s not mentioned dating any woman. In fact he’s just talked about how ‘it’s hard in your late 20s, can’t sleep around like your early 20s.’ If he was dating another woman seriously, surely he wouldn’t be messaging me? I know we’re just friends but If I was dating a guy and I found out he was meeting up with someone he dated, going for drinks with her and gigs and taking her to golf, I wouldn’t be very happy. He hasn’t followed any other women since me on Instagram so I thought if he was dating someone he would have followed her Asking because I don’t want to be disrespectful if he is dating, I feel sorry for the woman if he is. I don’t know if he will be honest with me if I ask Maybe some guys like lots of casual female attention even as friends? Like he often went to dinner with female friends but part of me wonders how likely it was that they were actually just friends?
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