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Posts posted by proditor

  1. first up, don't feel bad about talking to people about your problems. i don't know any decent person who would hear you and not feel bad for you and try to help, helping people out is why we all live together in communities.


    keep talking to people, and stay around people as much as you can, is my advice, if your seeing someone for therapy, then keep going, if not, try looking for someone to talk to, they don't even need to be professional though it helps. talking about your problems helps keep you on top of them, and less likely for you to get swept away.


    i understand how it feels when soooo many things go wrong at the same time, and all your problems start feeding on each other and creating new ones. it might be helpful to try to set yourself some small goals, it could be regarding anything, but it really raises your spirits when you set your mind on something and achieve it.


    hang in there



  2. i just want to say first, i know how it feels when EVERYTHING starts going wrong at the same time, like maybe you could deal with things if it was just one of them happening, but all of them together makes a mountain you can't climb, or even want to


    that doctor was not right, you really are showing symptoms of depression, and not getting help or treating it right could really make it worse. my advice it to get counseling or therapy. just telling somebody everything without worrying about getting judged helps, like right here


    stick in there, though, and try to be with other people, even just being there and listening to them, not even having to say anything can make you feel a little better




  3. thanks so much for your advice, i'll totally think about what you said



    If he really cared about you, he'd have called and waited for you to get things straight at home.



    he really did, i would talk to him as much as possible on IM, and stuff, and he seemed cool with it at first, but then he stopped answering, and that was the only indication that he was getting tired of waiting or something, he never said anything to me about not being able to see much as much as he wanted or vice versa


    i love him so much, other people don't like him because he used to be a really bad kid, like he was into drugs for a while, but he's stopped since then, he swears he has and i haven't seen a single sign that hes doing any of those things


    i don't even know what id say if i called him, cause i don't know if i should be angry or not



  4. it sounds to me like he's more trouble than he's worth. i know if you still really love him, it might not seem like it, but sometimes it just gets worse because of it, because when someone you love hurts you, it just hurts more


    i would try to stay away from him for a while, maybe see what he does if you break off all contact. if he really is worth it, he should come to you and explain/apologize/make up, or if he is a nice person at all, he should at least choose one person, and explain to the other one what's happening.


    just hang in there




  5. thank you so much, that is really helpful to know and look out for, though some of the symptoms could be general teenage behavior


    if someone actually has codependency disorder, though, are there any pieces of advice or given, like "what to do if you think you have this" suggestions? just a bit of information that would go well with your post, and it would be helpful to a bunch of people here



  6. i would be really offended if i were you, but if you really think he is worth it, you should really talk to him about it. i mean, he took the effort to focus on you that first night you were back, and it sounded really sweet


    its possible he just has a computer problem, like an addiction or something, or maybe the game he was playing is one of those really really hard games to put away, like you don't even know how much time you spend on it until you look at the time and say "woah, it's 3 AM..." i know, cause i know so many people who live on their computer, and so anytime they spend with you is extra special.


    but just tell him how you feel, and if he really is worth it, he won't blow it off or excuse it away, he really owes an explanation or an apology



  7. regarding getting married, it shouldn't be that much of a problem, legally wise i mean since you're going to be turning eighteen eventually. my advice though, is to wait a bit before actually getting married, you two could live together and see how things work out between you two


    but seriously, if he really is the one, which it really sounds like he is, don't let him go. you're going to be a legal adult soon, and if you don't live with your parents, they can't tell you not to talk to him or see him, so even if you can't see him now, just hold on, send as many messages as you can, and get together when you're able.





  8. i don't know what to do, i'm going out with the guy i've been in love with for like, 8 months, he asked me out a couple of months ago, but around that time, i got in trouble with my parents with school and i wasn't allowed to see anybody, and i could never ever see him, and now everyone's telling me that he's telling everyone that we've broken up and now he's going out with someone else, but he hasn't said a word about it to me at all and he isn't answering any of my calls.


    some people think i should just give him up, not only because he's cheating, but because he's older and has a bad reputation



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