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Everything posted by scaredgf

  1. He did wonder, he was shocked I stuck around for so long after rejections. Thank you.. ❤️
  2. These are really good points, thank you. I do spend some time with my friends and alone, though maybe I don't do so enough. Recently I am very invested in him instead.. This helps a lot, thank you
  3. He would sometimes drag me out when he's hanging out with his friends, and jokingly say I have no choice. He would focus on me out of the group every now and then. Recently though he's done the opposite; I visited his home and his friends came as well. He did seem happy towards me after they left. Thank you for taking to time to respond
  4. I (20F) feel like my boyfriend (21M) is growing distant but I'm not completely sure. I knew my boyfriend to be a nonchalant guy who pushed me away for years before we got together. He's said this is because he was scared of his feelings and rejection (even though he knew I liked him for years, and he's rejected me numerous times). Anyway, this changed up about a year ago when he finally stopped ghosting me and came out of nowhere, confessing his true feelings and asking me to be his girlfriend. He was suddenly the sweetest guy I'd met. He would always talk to me every morning, he'd keep the conversation going on forever. He would give me compliments frequently, push his ego aside and admit when he was in the wrong. He basically involved me in his life a lot, always put me first, even out of his friends group. We'd be on a lot of calls together or just texted a lot; whenever I was over at his house he would put his phone down and we'd play games together, watch shows, just spend a lot of time together. Recently though it's quite the opposite. He prefers hanging around his friends and is always super energetic and laughing around them, but with me he seems so tired and there's barely a smile. He never wants to call me alone (it must be with his friends) and when I do call him, he'd sound annoyed or like he doesn't want to be there with me. He'd leave my texts on read, yet be in a call with his friends, giggling and playing games together. He'll tell them all about what's going on in his life or day, and I'm not told anything. He just leaves me in the dark completely. Whenever I talk to him about it, he always tells me that he gets his energy from a group/crowd, and that I alone can't entertain him or give him that boost. But he was so fine with that before? I'm happy to see him happy of course, though I just want to be a part of his life again, I wish he'd have fun with me as well. I feel like an annoyance that he doesn't want around, and I don't know what to do. Am I wrong for feeling this way? I feel so very alone these days, and half the time I don't even feel as though I'm in a relationship. He's sick of me bringing up this topic as well. What do I do?
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