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Everything posted by lucaF

  1. Good morning, I'm a italian boy [M19] and I just started university, completely changing part of Italy (from Marche to Trentino) until some time I was in a relationship with a girl [F20] from another region far from my home, we were good together... Sometimes I went to her place at the weekend, sometimes the opposite (keep in mind that about 300km separted us) we did enough together. We firstly had met by chance at an event in which we had both taken part with by the same "staff" role, I am still slightly more experienced in this role then her. A few months ago (March) she broke up with me via WhatsApp (my feelings apparently don't match hers, and I told her something that i really proved) without giving me the chance to talk about it in person or simply to talk about it on another occasion. (Blocking me on all social media). A few months ago she started unblocking me and a few weeks ago (December) in a moment of sentimental weakness I gave in to the temptation to write to her (she also liked all my stories) on IG. Well nothing in particular we said the usual things: how are you, what are you doing, how's university going etc... Then I come to the fateful question: why did we break up? She responds by giving me a version that may be true but doesn't convince me. What do I ask of you and what should I do now? Until the new year I wasn't sure even from the contents she posted that she had another boyfriend but now with the New Year's posts I could be more sure. My heart and my brain tell me two completely different things, on the one hand I want to see her and talk to her face to face again, just hearing her voice messages reminds me of what we went through and how good I was emotionally, on the other hand I hear my brain telling me that this would only make things worse and that the most rational thing is to "be happy" for her and move on thinking that maybe I'm not ready yet, and I can't stand living in this limbo, for another relationship even though I know it would distract me but not enough. To sum up: I can't stay with her but at the moment I can't think of staying with everyone else, what do I do? P.S. I met her at the beginning shortly after a girl I really liked had pulled the pole on me, only for these two girls did I feel what could be called a "mature love".
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