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Everything posted by JayJ34

  1. I (20 male) broke it off with a women (26 female )from work that I dated 3 weeks. If you want the full story, here it is: https://www.enotalone.com/topic/459727-should-i-stop-dating-a-person-with-trauma_/#comment-5862922 Long story short, she has trauma caused by previous boyfriends that cheated on her, and when that traume gets triggered she snaps at me for no reason and makes me feel incredibly bad. For example if I say something about another women or coworker. I cut her off and just told her we shouldnt really date anymore. What I did not realize, I already fell for her. Since that talk I have been crying a lot and just feel incredibly bad, it almost feels like a break up, which sounds stupid considering the duration we dated. She now is telling people at my work that I stopped dating her to get with another coworker, which is just a lie. I have nooooo interest in that person she refers to. And it hurts, because I have feelings for her and they are getting mixed up by her behaviour. I not only feel sad, but now also angry. When we had that talk, I was a little bit overwhelmed and could not say what I wanted to say, which is why I texted her and asked for another meeting to tell her whats on my mind. I told her that we could meet up last Sunday, she said she would text me that day and tell me if she has time. On this Sunday, she said she cant really meet up, but we could meet the next week. On exactly that Sunday she came by when I was working (I work as a barkeeper at a bar), met up with another coworker of us and made out in front of me. She knew I was working! I am 20 years old, do not have that much dating experience but trust me when I say, I think no one in my life has ever tried to stick it to my face and hurt me like that. I feel so betrayed and disrespected. I was so good to her, invited her to restaurants, picked her up with my car and took her with me to city trips, gave small little gifts because I knew she wasnt doing so well, visited her at work, helped her with her problems etc.. And she always said that she couldnt believe how attentive I am. I remembered everything she said she would like to plan small surprises for her, because I wanted her to feel good. Thats just who I am, if I like someone I want them to have a good time and I like to provide. And now she does that, I am filled with anger and disgust like I have never been. How they kissed and looked at each other, with her only purpose being to hurt me. It not that she has someone else now, it is that she is doing it intentionally in front of me to make me feel bad. Why on earth are people like that? I want to be a good man, I dont want to become an a..hole, but I feel like next time I get to know another person, I will have a hard time to trust and believe what I am getting told. I already went through a break up 8 months ago, and this feels so much more disgusting, I dont know why : (
  2. I have been dating someone from my work place for 3 weeks now. Lets call her Ava. Our work is not affected at all. That is not the problem, and even if we stopped dating, from my point of view we are both mature enough to not let what happens between us influence how we work together. We agreed to date casually, she asked if it would be a problem for me when she would date other women (she is bisexual), and I told her I dont have a problem with that, I am not looking for something serious with her, especially because she is moving away in September. She somehow does not want to date other men right now, and I personally could not date several people at once, I somehow cant handle it emotionally. Everything is fine so far. What I realised, she is not really mentally stable. Her ex cheated on her and was really jealous. She isnt over him yet. And it shines through here and there. There is a new coworker. She, the new coworker, is unexperienced and I like to take care of new coworkers so that they dont get overwhelmed with work, just like I did when I started and no one cared for me. Today when I met up with Ava, I told her that I think I should give the new coworker some advice. This sentence triggered Ava. She asked me why I would think of the new worker out of nowhere. I was helping Ava with the cooking, shegot upset and told me that I dont need to help her, she could do it herself. After I sat down, she said "Now that you dont have to do anything, you can text the new coworker". I was just thinking, what the actual f***. I dont know why, but the way she said it and how she looked at me made me feel so so bad. Firstly, what I said was not meant in any way of dating or attraction but rather in caring for other people, and secondly, I already said that I could not date multiple people at the same time and I dont even want to do that etc.. I am 20 and Ava is 26, so she has more dating experience and apparently she carries some kind of trauma. I am stable and confident, I dont let people disrespect me and I know my worth, but I also would say that I am an emotional person. I do not let my emotions control me, no matter how I feel, what has do be done will be done. And today in that very moment, when felt so bad, I couldve cried. I dont know why, and I have to figuere that out to work on it. I told her I did not mean it the way she thinks it is, her response was "All my exes talked about women that I dont have to worry about, and somehow these women were the ones they cheated on me with". When she calmed down, she realised that she needed to apologize. But I have been feeling sh*tty for the rest of the day from that moment on, it felt like she was another person when she got triggered. No matter what I said it would not reach her, and even if it did, she would intepret it in a way to reinforce her trigger. Like talking to a wall but getting insulted meanwhile. Do any of you who read this have experience with people like that? Because except this, I do enjoy her presence and her personality, but I am certain that this was not the last time a situation like that will occur.
  3. I agree with you, that is the "plan", I will just act as if nothing happened, there is no reason to be genuinely upset, I just find her behaviour weird. But why would she think I was only nice to her because I wanted to be with her? I am nice to everyone, as long as people do not disrespect me obviously. How I treated her did not change after I knew she probably does not want to hang out, my humor hasnt changed either. Thats why its so confusing that she suddenly got pissed. And what do you mean with she "wasnt a come-on". (My english might be letting me down here) And why would she want to make me feel good if she doesnt want to meet up? grrrrr people are so complicated sometimes for no reason, life could be so much easier (not talking about you smackie9)
  4. Working at a bar and a former colleague started working again as a waiter at the bar. Before she did, she visited the bar a few times on her private time and I got to know her before I even knew she worked a few years earlier here and is going to start again. We got along pretty well. She started to work and everything was fine, our work flow was great and the few seconds we had here and there to talk and make some jokes had been a lot of fun. I even heard how she told a friend of her that she thinks I am great. So 2 weeks ago she was working, when her shift ended mine started and she stayed at the bar with a few friends of her. At that day I got a new haircut and cut down my beard before my shift and when I showed up for work she welcomed me with "Hello Mister handsome", she did not stop there and told me like 3 more times afterwards how good it looks. I started working, served her and her friends drinks multiple times and what I noticed was how she looked at me more oftenly. And when we spoke a little she came really close to me, one time she put her ellbow on my shoulder and while we were talking she looked down at lips several times. I was thinking, f*ck it, Im gonna ask her out, worst she could say is no and I am old enough to handle this kind of rejection without awkwardness. I ask if she wants to hang out some time and she said yes and gave me her number. After that she proceeded to ghost me on WhatsApp and Snapchat for a week. I was so confused, because I knew she read the messages. When I saw her at work, she explained it to me and it was fine. I texted her again and asked for a day and time, told her when I am available, her response was "let me see when I can meet up", I responded "alright, then just text me when you know better". No response after that. I saw her today at work, while arriving and giving me a hug she barely looked at me, did not mention anything about meeting up and I noticed how distant she was suddenly. Did not talk to her that much because of it and she even got pissed at me because of a joke. At the bar I work, the staff doesnt have to pay for their drinks on their private time. When she was about to leave she asked me if she has to pay for anything. I shook my head, smiled and said "Ofcourse not". After that she asked for another last beer and I said "Oh I see, now that you dont have to pay, youre getting greedy". She got pissed, drank her beer and left without saying anything. Before you jugde the joke, that is what my humor looks like all the time, I made jokes worse than that and she found them funny and it was no problem at all. My undertone was sarcastic as well, it was obviously a joke and she knows it. Im just so confused. It all went from getting along well to chaos for no actual reason. I dont get it to be honest. Especially because she was the fun showing so much interest and now she behaves like this. Or am I wrong and the "interest" was just being platonic signs or whatever. It would bother me less if she just said no, but this is just tough to read and frustrating. It kinda drives me crazy because I feel so attracted to her, I dont know why. But I wont ask again, I deserve better than that and my guess is she actually isnt interested. Otherwise she would be more open and make time to meet up, or would she? πŸ˜•
  5. I dont know about that, as I said, she does not ghost me, her answers are just a little short and in person we have a lot of fun. And I dont see the point in playing games like that, some girls just dont initiate contact via texting. If she is not interested I will defenitely notice that when we meet. And while writing this reply, she actually messaged me β€žjust because we met twice doesnt mean I am interested in you (kidding)β€œ. Thats acutally how we talk to each other in person and how me make fun, so my guess is that she just isnt into writing.
  6. No she has normal day shifts starting at 10 am til late afternoon. That is clearly not the problem. I will set a third date with her and just ask her, I know that she prefers talking to each other in real life over texting, but her short, hesitant answer are kind of misleading, idk πŸ˜•
  7. I have been dating a women. We had 2 dates and both went really well. First date was at a bar and we talked for like 3 hours straight, after we finished our drinks she suggested to go to a restaurant, which we did. We had a good time and went home after eating. I noticed that she was a little bit shy but the fact that she suggested going to a restaurant showed me that she was interested. After we both arrived at home we exchanged a few silly messages and a few days later after messaging I asked for another date. Our second date was in billiard bar. We played for 3 hours and then switched to darts for another 2 hours. It was actually a lot of fun and she became much more relaxed around me. I brought her home and as we were saying our goodbyes she was clearly hesitant and did not want to leave, that was for sure. We have not kissed, because I want to take my time and want to get know what kind of person she is and I made the mistake in the past to rush myself into a relationship where we both were not compatible. But I still engaged physical contact here and there. I already have a plan for our third date and I am intending to kiss her at a suitable moment, just to see if she is into me or not because I am into her and if she is not I am clearly waisting my time. We texted again after the date, but I always have to initiate the conversation, which is contrary to our real life meetings. She tends to talk a lot and I enjoy that, but when texting she seems always so hesitant does not suggests the dates. I have to do so. She already agreed to a third date but has to wait for her work schedule. I was wondering if she was actually recieved it because she was not texting me, made a joke about it that she probably has not recieved it. Her answer was something like "I actually got it but only for a week". Now I am wondering. So she agreed to a third date, she got her schedule, did not text me and when I asked she just said she got it and did not suggest a day or a time to meet. I am new to dating, my first girlfriend actually approached me and I am sometimes a little bit clueless. I also do not intend to "play games", like waiting a certain time to text or some other bs like that. Life is to short and if you are interested just text the other person, the worst that could happen is that the person is not interested. But this particular situation is kinda confusing to me.
  8. I do not see my job as a place to hit on women. I dont do that often, as I said, that was the first time I asked someone out, and I have been working there for more than 9 months now. But if I get into a talk with someone and I feel like it wont hurt to approach this person that way, I do not see a problem. The chef does not care what we do, as long as we do our jobs. And if we even give away a few shots or drinks, he is absolutely fine with it, no one of the workers takes advantage of that. Before you work at the bar, or more specifically, before he hires you full time he makes sure what kind of person you are, and if you overuse this "freedom" you are gone. I will not stay in this business. I need money and I have been saving money, because I will study computer science in october, so I in deed see my job right now as a perfect place to practice communication skills and approaching others, but I wont be hitting on women 24/7, I know how inappropriate that would be.
  9. Thanks for your answer. I also view it as the perfect opportunity to get better at approaching and practicing having a chat with women. And I know that I have still a lot to learn, that there will be bad dates, maybe a lot of them, but as strange as it might sound, I am kinda looking forward to it as I know it will help me grow. But can you elaborate why a women cannot be taken as romantic interest if she generally gets along with men? I mean, these women also have relationships and if there are any hints you can observe from them you can give a shot, cant you? Even if the hints are rooted by her only being interested in favours in better service, if that is the case I will figure it out eventually.
  10. Thanks for this view, it helps to see the situation from a different perspective.
  11. I mean, our bar has a familiar atmosphere and everybody knows that who visits the bar. My chef is not strict at all and it is not a high class bar, the opposite actually. I asked my co-workers and they said they have done it multiple times and do not find it weird. Actaully no one of my friends found it weird when I told them, neither do I. And thank your for your answer, I appreciate it and agree with you, I signed up in a boxing club recently and am going out more often to other bars, but your message is not really an answer to my question and I do not mean that in a rude way.
  12. I (20yrs, male) work as a bartender and I am trying to get into dating. I have never really dated anyone, the first person I was interested in when I was 17 became my girlfriend and we broke up 3 months ago. I feel like I am ready to meet new people and being open to other people. Working at a bar helped me a lot with communicating with stranger, which is litteraly part of my job, and I am becoming more and more fluid in conversations. I am not eagerly trying to get laid, I just wanna meet people and get gather more experience, if any of those meetings evolves into something more, I am happy, if not, that is also just fine. What I am trying to say, I am not obsessed with finding a girlfriend. A few days ago a girl was sitting at the bar and I noticed her. She actually started talking to me and we got into a conversation. My colleague saw that we were getting along quite well, which is why the colleague did not call me to help her with the drinks as there were not a lot of orders, and it was a funny and interesting talk that I enjoyed. After 10 minutes or so a friend of her entered the bar and our talk ended there as she sat down at a table with her friend. From there on I looked over a few times and she was looking at me too. I told to myself, if I do not ask her out I would be kicking myself for it, and the worst she could say is no, so I went for it. As I said, I have litteraly zero experience in dating and she was the first person that I asked out, ever. I waited for to go to the bathroom, since I did not want to interrupt the girls and wanted to speak to her more privately. I waited at the end of the hallway where the stairs are to the bathroom, of course not in front of the bathroom, that would be weird af, and as she came upstairs I asked if I could have a minute of her time. I was nervous as hell but that did not prevent me from talking to her calmly. I told her that I have not done something like that at work, but I really find her cute and wanted to know if there is anyone in her life that she is seeing or dating. She was really pleased by my approach, told me there is no one in her life right now, but she also is not dating at the moment. But she offered me that we still could go out and stay in touch as she also finds me interesting and enjoyed our talk. I saw that as a no, but I was not awkward about it, told her that she can see it as a compliment and can visit me at the bar more often if she wants to. I was a little bit embarrassed, but I did not let it shine through and that is what you have to deal with if you ask someone out, I get that and it is not going to hold me back from approaching other people. I am in therapy right now because of difficulties I have in my private life and my therapist, female, said that it actually was the best outcome possible considering how I approached her. She said I maybe was a little bit too straight forward and that it could have been a litte too direct, which is why she probably said she is not dating, but still wants to meet. I was not thinking about it that way. My therapist claimed that telling her from the beginning what my intention is, is taking away the thrill from dating and can be a little overwhelming for people. I just wanted to tell her my intentions right away, because I was not looking for a platonic relationship. What do you guys think about the situation? Getting rejected is not that big of a deal, a little embarrassing as I said, but nothing to worry about. Was I too aggressiv? And should I try to meet her anyways and see how it is going? She visits the bar often because she lives nearby and has a few friends that are regular customers at the bar. She also told me where she is working, it is also a bar and I was thinking maybe I could visit her there, if that is a good idea. Because thinking about it, she has a lot of friends, and knows what my intentions are, she told me she is not dating but we can meet anyways. It is a little confusing and I am still blind for cues if it comes to dating.
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