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  1. No I was on social media and the photo appeared on explore page the man does not have social media by the way, I’m friends with the woman in relationship so there are there text messages between them she had sent screenshots before of somethings in a WhatsApp group before it’s more than enough proof of cheating text messages is that not proof enough? The rest is up to the other woman to find out if she wants, or leave the situation I don’t know I don’t want drama but I do think people who are being cheated on should know (are ruining a relationship should know)
  2. I know the woman the man is in a relationship with not the other woman,I would like to help the woman in the relationship but not out it’s her. I saw photos on Instagram of the other woman posted with the man ‘favourite photo yearwith a heart’ and there’s other content that he is there I wanted to message either a friend of the other woman(as she commented on the photo) not to create drama at all that is not my intention at all what would you do? Would you send messages as proof ?
  3. This person is in relationship with someone but the man is also seeing someone else which the person in relationship with him doesn’t know I don’t know the other person but what would you do in this situation? I wouldn’t want to make problem out of it but there are text messages, would sending to the other woman or what to do? would reaching out to a friend of this person to let the person know this man is cheating as I don’t want to create drama but I do think the person should know what advice what would you do in this situation? thanks
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