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Steven Kreg

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  1. Yall drama queens... I asked her one time in 2 weeks.
  2. So its fine that she's in there spending hours browsing tiktok but can't take 5 minutes to address us so we can make sure everything is cool and keep doing what we're doing?
  3. I asked her because I felt her getting more distant
  4. I guess I look at relationships as a support system... I wanted to be her rock... not something she loses feelings for.
  5. I've been supportive but when my mother was dying in the hospital I didn't cut the people I loved off.
  6. My girlfriend (21) of 5 years got a call that her mother had an anurism. Her mom lives 10 hours away and I immediately started working on a place for her and I to stay near the hospital. INSTEAD she chose to take a flight the next day by herself and spend the time with her visiting family (who only visited for a few days, and her moms boyfriend). She had told me that she will stay with her mom as long as it takes, through the hospital stay and return home with her until she is "back on her feet" (if she even ever gets there with the extent of the injury) and I agreed, figuring she may be away for the summer. Its been two weeks now and her mo. Is still in the icu recovering. Meanwhile her siblings have come and gone and she has called me a total of one time, even though she spends hours on tiktok. (I cant call her either she is too busy or whatever) Im the type to notice little things and over the past week when I text her that I love her she will not tell me she loves me back. She will ignore it when any time in the past I would tell her she was sure to answer... and then some. I understand the stress she is under but it really feels like since that call she has completely ejected herself from me. Recently I texted her.... "whats going on with us?" I truly expected her to as, what do you mean? Nothing has changed with us..... instead I got.... a text... "we can talk more about it just not right now." Wait, now she needs to talk about it? So I told her I'm not an idiot in relationships (maybe I am) And to call me sometime. Its been a day in a half (the longest we've ever not communicated and no call or text. At this point I feel like she is prioritizing her mother (like what can she even do but be there?) and not even being considerate or care enough to remember she is/has been/was in a relationship. With her mothers long recovery time and her single minded focus on her over even a considerate re assurance and seemingly pull away from her relationship I see this as a red flag for any kind of future for us. (Ps her mother hates my guts for "taking her away" Am I being an uncaring selfish ass? Or should I move toward putting and end to the relationship like but gut is telling me. Lay it on me please, I want the straight hard truth because I've this girl but also have self respect.
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