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Posts posted by MrNobody1111

  1. 43 minutes ago, smackie9 said:

    Dude you only give them two chances. Sure some people will cancel last min for whatever reason, but if they start giving you excuses about how "unavailable" they are, ditch them. That's all you need to know. 

    @smackie9 appreciate the advice and I agree. To be fair, the second cancellation appeared to be an unexpected emergency, so I made an exception and rescheduled the date. After the third cancellation (i.e. the cancellation of the second date), I ended things right there

  2. @ShySoul I ended things because I found her attitude about planning a date highly disrespectful. She even admitted that she lost interest after the first date, but decided to keep that to herself until I explicitly ended things with her. So this was never really going anywhere from the beginning and I was just wasting my time.

    • Sad 3
  3. I matched with this girl on a dating app who's exactly my type. We agreed to a date only for her to cancel it on the day of our date because her social battery was supposedly drained. Fair enough. So we rescheduled for another day, only for her to cancel a second time because her best friend was going through a relationship crisis (on the day of the date again btw).

    So on the third attempt, we're about to meet and she asks if we can meet closer to her place because she was tired. I oblige and we finally meet. The date actually turned out to be quite fun. We ended up back at her place and made out on her couch. Over the week, we occasionally text each other and I ask her out to play pool on Saturday evening. She agrees.

    On the day, at 9:00 in the morning, I message her asking if she's ok to meet. I hear nothing for hours, so in the afternoon I ask her again to confirm. She replies verbaitim "Yesss, I just woke up, super hungover". We exchange a couple more messages about her night and then stopped talking for a bit. Half an hour before we're supposed to meet, I message her telling her I'm on my way and she says that she thought we cancelled. I explain that I thought her "Yesss" mean that she was still coming, but she said that she's still hungover.

    This is exceptionally frustrating and I'm inclined to break things off with her, but is it also possible that I'm jumping to conclusions? I have no idea how to cope with these obstacles in dating.

    • Sad 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Capricorn3 said:

    Or maybe the girls are wondering why you don't  talk much, so they feel they have to keep it going? What do you think OP?

    I certainly hope that's not the case. I always have something to say, but I always let my date finish talking first before I begin talking. Plus, awkward silences with people I'm seeing honestly hasn't been an issue for me since my teenage years

  5. 3 minutes ago, Lambert said:

    Hi @MrNobody1111

    I have actually thought this and have said but rately... Go watch America Ferraro in the Barbie movie. She has a whole speech about the bs women are told from day one about every possible thing.

    so it's  probably her criticism of her self not being perfect. 

    There.  I just explained women. lol. JK.

    did you think she talked to much?

    I've already seen the movie, so I'm familiar with the monologue you're referring to. And to answer you're question, no I didn't think so. She certainly talked more than I did (as is the case with most of my dates) but I feel this has more to do with me trying to listen and not interrupt rather than my dates being excessively talkative

    • Like 1
  6. For some reason, every time I have a first call or a first date with a woman, they typically send me a message after the call/date saying "Sorry if I talked too much". I didn't think much of it the first couple times, but I've noticed it become a consistent pattern over time. To the point where it's borderline eerie. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this (either being told this or having told this to someone else) as at this point, I've heard it too many times for it to be a coincidence.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

    just ask her if she would like to do something this weekend.  You'll get a better sense of things by doing that.

    Interesting advice. But I wonder how to progress things. As of now, we're just friends. But if we do do something this weekend, I would want to make it clear that I like us to be more than that. But putting that pressure on her also seems like the wrong way to go about it.

  8. Several months ago, I worked alongside a girl (let's call her Sally) at my previous job. When we first met, she was already in a relationship, but as time went on, we both left the company. Since then, she went through a tough breakup with her boyfriend, thus preventing me from asking her out at that point in time.

    A few months later, she invited me to her birthday celebration. About a week later, we hung out together for the first time, just the two of us. In our conversations, dating was a frequent topic, and we would openly share our thoughts and experiences. However, despite these discussions, we've never directly addressed the possibility of dating each other. There have been occasions where she'd make jokes about us getting married some day. And she has inquired about my dating life before, even stating that I'd be a catch.

    I must admit that I'm really into her, but I'm unsure about how to approach asking her out. I've never asked out someone who started as a colleague or friend before. Are there specific things I should keep in mind or avoid when doing so? Any advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

  9. Yes Lambert, that it a good point. We are very early in the dating phase. However, I am very afraid of doing the morally wrong thing and hurting one or both of these girls. Especially because my date with Stephanie ended up being very romantic and felt a bit deviated from the "casual" vibe.

    To answer your question, I met them both via dating apps. One through Bumble and the other through Hinge.

  10. I am currently dating two girls. Let's call them Hannah and Stephanie (false names, of course).

    I have been on one great date with Hannah which involved lots of cuddling and we both had a great time. As it was a casual date, a lot of the conversation was superficial as we were just getting to know each other.

    Meanwhile, I have also been on two dates with Stephanie. Our second date lasted a whole 8 hours with lots of cuddling, and kissing too. Plus we had deeper conversation about our emotional challenges from our pasts.

    The problem is: neither girl knows about the other and I have not yet decided which of these two girls I like more. I am aware that I cannot keep this up forever, but I need more time to decide. In the meantime, when would be the best time to tell them that I am dating other people and what would be the best way to go about it?

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