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  1. I wouldn't take it over the edge and that still wouldn't explain them giving me discounts or asking me out. If someone's offended I would think they would overcharge you and not undercharge you. There was also no advice given. I said to be on the salesperson's side that "sometimes other people forget that there are people behind the cash registers and not machines." That's more empathizing than anything in my opinion. Also, that's only one example. That still doesn't explain people coming out of nowhere and bothering me 😅 Thanks for the insight though.
  2. I just empathize with them sometimes. So if like the customer who came in before me was mean to the person working there, I would tell the person who was working there that I can't stand when people are clearly entitled or ungrateful. Then I would also tell the person working there that people forget that there are human beings behind the cash register and trying to assist them in the store. (That usually releases the discount sequence and also starts them off with trying to test me by calling me crazy or gay as I'm leaving). We live in a strange world, lol.
  3. All the time. Or in the reverse order. So they'll give me something for free then call me gay as I'm leaving. I have no idea why people in Georgia are malfunctioning, lol. 😆
  4. Good questions! They'll start trying to call me gay or crazy out of the blue. I think it's because I'm friendly, but then in catches on like wildfire and people keep rolling up to me trying to provoke me with that. What they're doing is so immature though that I can't really respond to it, so they just keep going until they tire themselves out and start either trying to ask me out or giving me discounts or free stuff. They give me whatever they are selling. So if at a coffee shop, I get free or discounted coffee. If at a bar I get free or ridiculously discounted drinks. If it's a random person, then they buy me stuff then try and test me. People's behavior is weird to me. I suppose some people would consider this some kind of neg or game or something? When I go with friends, the randoms will try it and it doesn't work then they look really sad/disappointed then walk off, or if I'm with a bad friend they try and jump in too then I have to ignore that friend as well as reduce contact with them from that day on. Strange, right?
  5. I'm generally talking to the people who work there and then someone will come out of the blue and just start trying to test me.
  6. Yeah. So I'll be at like a coffee shop, or grocery store or just somewhere regular where generally you make small talk with people or ignore them totally and move about your day and they go out of their ways to test me. Sometimes it's totally unprovoked and just a random stranger who doesn't work anywhere will roll up on me and try and see if they can test me or try to get some kind of reaction out of me. Strangers. Sometimes I know them, othertimes total strangers just looking to test me. It's weird. Like I was saying though, if I ignore them for long enough then if it's somewhere like a store or a bar or something, then people just start asking me out, or giving me free stuff, or discounts. Human behavior is odd.
  7. Just regular places like coffee shops, grocery stores, etc. Sometimes they'll just roll up on me and start saying stuff to try and make me feel insecure or undermine my confidence out of nowhere. Not even. I'll just ask them how they're doing, or if it's obvious that they're not having a good day, I'll try and be a good customer by not making a fuss and tip more.
  8. Hi, 38 m here from Atlanta. I would say I am a pretty decent looking guy and I always go out of my way to be kind to people. Well basically what is happening is that I have a nice conversation with someone, then they'll go out of their way to try and test me and say things to try and make me feel insecure or to undermine my confidence. They'll also try and get other people to join in on this too. If I ignore them for long enough, they'll either ask me out, give me free stuff, or give me discounts. It's annoying though because stuff like this happens almost everywhere I go and it often happens too with people I don't even know or strangers. Sometimes even without me saying anything at all, so I have people running up to me saying random stuff to me trying to get a reaction. Also, other guys are oddly aggressive, or they'll go out of their ways to try and verbally overpower me or make me look bad. Does anyone else go through this type of thing and is there any advice that you would give me to get people to stop bothering/trying to test me? Thank you!
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