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Everything posted by Sculptor

  1. It sounds like he has a low opinion of himself. This is something that can change over time but it's not guaranteed to change. And even if he does learn to increase his self respect it's a long process. Poor guy. I feel bad for him but it's not really ok for him to be getting into relationships when he's in this state. Maybe there's a way to support him without being too close??
  2. I think we humans are hard wired to want to connect with other people. To share our thoughts and feelings and perhaps ultimately to feel understood. Relationships are great for getting that deeper connection with someone. It's only natural to feel loss when a relationship ends. You've lost something we all desire. Companionship. The world has many good guys in it. The key to finding another "good guy" is looking after yourself. People tend to end up with what they think they deserve. Not always of course but as an overall predictor of success in relationships this is a huge factor. Be kind to yourself. Do the things you enjoy doing. Things that feel therapeutic for you. Also don't forget to keep things in perspective. There are heap of ways a person can suffer. Relationship breakups are fairly easy compared to some of the stuff people go through.
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