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Posts posted by Laura1607307275

  1. Take her to the doctor and get her checked out. There maybe another reason for the cramps.


    Secondly, some women still have periods even when they are pregnant.


    Also don't forget some women don't know they're expecting a baby until it arrives!


    Don't take any chances go and see the doctor.


    Good luck.


    Exactly! You can't afford to take chances in this kind of situation.

  2. If she is TWO weeks from her period, and having OVULATION cramps as some women get, she is very possibly ovulating, meaning your chances went from slim to more likely...sperm can live inside from 2-5 days.


    I am not a doctor. I cannot say yes or no to that question, but if it were me, i would want to be 100% sure.

  3. Morning after pill is most effective up to 72 hours after sex. But as RayKay said, it may still work afterwards but less effective. It is definitley better for her to take it, than to not take it...

  4. Please do not blame yourself for this, it is NOT your fault. Trust is a very hard thing to build up again once broken, and i think that it could take a long time to build it up again if you stayed with him. You would always be wondering where he is and who he is with and what he is up to. In my opinion, you should leave. He obviously doesn't respect you if he has lied to you for this long, and will more than likely cheat again. Don't call the number. Don't listen to anymore lies or explanations. Just get out and eventually you will find someone new. Someone you loves YOU and ONLY you. Don't let this one bad experience ruin any chances of future happiness, there really are lots of good ones out there, its just unfortunate you fell for a bad one.

  5. For the most part, you do miss periods when pregnant, but when the fertilized egg implants in the lining of the uterus, this can cause 'implantation bleeding' which can be confused for a period. I am not trying to frighten you or anything, as i said before it is a relativley small chance that she could be pregnant, but it could still happen. If her period is due in 2 weeks, and she is sometimes 2 days late, wait for another few days after this, then test.

  6. Even so, there still may have been some present. As it was 3 days ago, the morning after pill will not be effective. If your girlfriend is getting cramps then yes, this could indicate her period is arriving and yes, this is a good sign. If her period does not arrive on time, get her to do a home pregnancy test. A pregnancy test will not pick up the pregnancy hormone yet though so it is pointless doing one this soon. By 14 days after fertilization (about the time she would expect her period), most home pregnancy tests may be able to detect the hormone in her urine and give you an accurate result. If you are unsure though please please consult your doctor.

  7. Yes she could definitly be pregnant. It only takes a really small drop of semen which contains lots of sperm, there still could have been some on your penis from the oral sex. Even though you did not ejaculate inside her, there is still a chance- a small chance- but definitly a chance. If this was a recent event, and if you and your partner do not want a baby at the moment (and i am guessing at 16 you don't) get yourself down to the doctors/chemist for some emergency contraception, it is effective up to 72 hours after unprotected sex. If it is longer ago than that, get her to go to the doctors anyway who will advise you on what to do next. The doctor cannot let your or your girlfriends parents know due to confidentiality. I am glad to hear that you are using protection, condoms intend to prevent pregnancy and infection, but unfortunately accidents like this do happen.

  8. Don't let this become a problem. If your girlfriend trusts you, she should know that you would never cheat on her. But saying that, I think there will always be a hint of doubt within the minds of us girls when it comes to our fellas being around other women, especially if those women have feelings for them! I can definitly see where your girlfriend is coming from. This other girl, your friends sister, does she seem to have genuine feelings for you, or is she just trying to stir up trouble? Maybe that because you rejected her, she took it badly and is now trying to spoil things for you and your girlfriend? Just treat the other girl like 'your mates sister' rather than anything else, assure your girlfriend that you love her and only want to be with her. If the problem persists, have a word with your best mate about it. Yes blood can be thicker than water, but blood clots and water keeps you alive.

  9. Maybe the guy was a bit shocked that you had romantic feelings for him, and is keeping his distance for a while to give himself a chance to sort it out in his head? He may have been happy with you two being 'just friends'. i know some guys who find it quite refreshing to be friends with a girl without the idea being there that it could lead to something more, and because you brought this up, he may now wonder if you could go back to being just mates, as he may find it awkward now to talk to you about girlfriends etc, as he knows your feelings. I think you did the right thing, i am a firm believer in being true to your feelings so well done for admitting them to him, at least now the ball is in his court.

    On the other hand, as you say, he admitted once that he thought he was in love with you, so maybe he is worried that if you do get together, in case it all goes wrong it might ruin your friendship.

    If i were you, i would leave off from texting him for a few days (if you can!) and see if he contacts you. If not, why don't you call him and speak to him about it rather doing it by text message. If he doesn't answer or return your calls, i would consider forgetting about him. You could also try to visit him or send him letter or email explaining your feelings?, but as i say, the ball is in his court and if he doesn't respond, maybe its time to move on. X X

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