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Everything posted by swilliams

  1. Lol I’m sure it is. It’s probably more like be around me less so i the one w feelings don’t have them bc he doesn’t wanna deal w emotions
  2. So I’m using this to slowly detach I talked to my therapist he recommended not being so available and cutting the communication way down and eventually I’ll be ok with just disappearing
  3. Oh I’m sure he has genuine feelings. He actually also talked to me about it and that’s why he doesn’t wanna see me as much bc he said he was developing them and I’m having a hard time cold Turkey leaving. I made plans for all next weekend and didn’t see him this weekend so i told him no more sleepovers , boyfriend acting, long hangouts , no dates
  4. And yeah he isn’t a good friend. He has no regards for anyone but himself
  5. Sorry no that’s not all. he lied to himself about the FWB and he knows it. his words said one thing and his actions said other. He is confused as hell. I’ve had friends around us and met him etc and know him and they agree. He claimed he was acting like a fwb and admitted himself it was more. And getting drunk and calling me his gf telling people we are together , it’s a game
  6. Now as I step back, the blinders are coming off more and more
  7. Now he text me saying I'm not saying go away but we do need space to do our own thing and let feelings detach some. :/. I like talking alot. Of course I like playing too
  8. I’ll never do fwb again because it doesn’t work for me lol i think he did play off some of my vulnerabilities tho and I’m considering backing off dating
  9. Yeah I’ve gone no contact. But I do miss him, won’t lie. That’s to be expected because we did talk everyday all day 🙄
  10. Yeah I’m not innocent I should’ve walked away way sooner . we did have talks about feelings he refused to back off —— and it’s my fault for staying after that.
  11. Yes but that’s not what he was doing says he can’t date proceeded to treat me like a gf and tell me about HIS feelings for me he told me he is in the same boat with his feelings
  12. I didn’t post about about being alone that was his words
  13. Right 🫠🫠🫠 when essentially he admitted in those texts I shared that he uses me not to be alone lol
  14. Thanks. we talked in person it was very awkward. Claimed it was hard for him too but it was me there crying 🤨 probably just telling me whatever
  15. The texts I posted aren’t me…. he said those things
  16. Thanks 🥹😭 hurts but glad I POSted here to know what to do
  17. I am at working crying. So laugh at me y’all were all right. Things he said I don't have the answer. I never do. I have a great time hanging out. Youre sexy and we have fun. So obviously I'm interested and getting feelings as well. But I'm not ready to date. I still see I have my own *** to work out and be focused. 😕 Whenever I'm ready to date, I don't know what that looks like either. & Being honest is tough. Lol it's not easy to talk about. I don't have the answer I guess selfishly in the past I had a hard time communicating what I want. And realistically, I probably won't "want" to end things because I don't like being alone. It's a anxious low confidence thing I'm working on lol 😳😳 So in the past people just end up dating someone and then someone is hurt. So I don't know the answer here. It's all lose lose win lose. Temporarily we are happy having fun and fulfilled but it takes time away from us finding where we need to be as well for our personal goals. Hopefully that makes some sense cuz I was really trying to explain.
  18. Okay…. then what do I do? Address the feelings with him?
  19. No it’s not nice. I’m feeling mad at myself now
  20. Yeah you’re right. Thank you. We do enjoy that aspect it’s also part of why I don’t wanna drop him lol
  21. He was in therapy before. He left a bad relationship and seems scared to get hurt again
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