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Posts posted by rachelb

  1. Well I msged back and arranged something but he had a family thing that night. But the thing that's annoying me is that he texted like 9hrs later! So I had no idea what was happening for the whole day until the actual night, and I found that kinda rude! Is he playing games, busy or just rude?

  2. I had an awesome first date with this guy and at the end of the night he wanted to know when he'll see me again and I told him to call me. Since then he's been texting me playful and flirty texts but he hasn't actually called to arrange another date - instead he keeps asking when I'll call him. He's confident and not the shy type. I'm confused, why doesn't he just pick up the phone and arrange something?

  3. Why do you suspect he has a girlfriend, especially since he is well, dating you? It IS possible he could be DATING others, since there is no exclusivity discussion between you two yet, but I am not sure why you assume a girlfriend.


    I'm pretty sure he has a gf because I heard a convo between him and a friend talking about his gf although he was saying they were having issues but at that time, he was asking me out and really pursuing me. He always seems available but then again his phone is always on silent and he doesn't pick up some calls.


    Should I just confront him on the next date? Or would it seem like I'm needy, desperate, looking for a r'ship with him? or should I just leave it later?

  4. I'm the type of girl who likes being pursued by the guy. However, when I'm interested I'll always give some sort of hint or signal. Might be subtle or just a tiny one but I'll give at least SOMETHING back (ie. texting him back, being playful) so it's giving him the go ahead to pursue.


    The ones that really annoy me are guys that just don't take any sort of NEGATIVE hint. The ones that I've clear it's nothing more and yet they still pursue - that freaks me out and I get a bit creeped out.

  5. I heard that confident guys (ie. those who have girls falling at their feet or know they're hot/wanted) want the thrill of the chase more and want a girl to be more of a challenge - is this true? What's the mentality of a confident guy?


    Note: By confident, I DON'T mean arrogance or a player!!

  6. Well, everytime i'm in the room, he'll always come over and say hi and ask me how i've been, and stuff, and he tells me sometimes that we should hang out sometime, its just hard to tell. He's a major flirter, he flirts with alot of girls. So its hard to tell.


    You'll know if he likes you if out of all the girls around him, YOU grab his attention the most and YOU are the one he keeps looking at or putting all his attention on.


    I really honestly don't think you can "make" someone interested in you. It's either he's interested or not.

  7. A guy will not wait around forever. If he begins to feel that your interest in him is simply as friends, he will eventually pursue a girl that will make her romantic interest more clear.


    If you like him, don't dance around the subject. Tell him.


    I'm in the situation where he does kind of know I'm interested and I kind of know he's interested. The problem is whether or not his interest will divert to another girl that's better or whether he will keep pursuing me until he "gets" me?

  8. For me, I'm either attracted or not attracted. It's as simple as that. You see the person and immediately I'll know. Sometimes though the more you get to know the person, the more or less attracted you become because of their personality and quirks. But if you're talking about first glance or initial impressions, it's either IT or not. It's NOT a choice.

  9. If you're completely not hard to get, guys think you're overeager or desperate. So play a little, have some fun but not too much or they think you're outta their league. I mean, would you eat caviar if it was cheap? Exactly.

  10. There's this guy who has given me signs and seems like he's chasing me (ie. asking me for my number, called me, asking me to call him, being out of his way friendly). I found out he has a girlfriend although he hasn't mentioned it to me.


    What does this mean? He's a player? Or is he thinking of dumping his girlfriend so he's testing the waters? Or is he just in it for the chase (ie. to see if he can get me) I feel so stupid ):

  11. it really depends. i can be really friendly and talkative to a lot of guys at uni but i'm not interested in them, just being sociable. i think you can pretty much get a vibe ...with the guy i like, sometimes i'll try to seem not so eager so i'll be aloof and kinda ignore him. but if i'm actually talking to him, i'll be eager to continue the conversation and in class i glance at him once in a while. you'll also know if the friends of the girl start staring at the guy.

  12. Hey guys, just wondering what's the difference between a guy that likes you, but is trying to play it cool (ie. not seem overeager) vs. a guy that is not interested or just being friendly? What are the signs?


    Also, does it make you MORE interested if a girl is playing it cool (mysterious, aloof, sending mixed signals), or LESS interested?

  13. I asked this guy a really simple question after class, he didn't have the answer with him. I thought he'll just get my email or something or give it to me another time, but instead he got my number and said that he'll call me yesterday night. However, he hasn't called yet and it's the next day.


    From the beginning, he's the one who has been the one initiating everything - introducing himself, talking to me, getting my number, sometimes I see him staring at me and I always bump into him in the cafeteria on all my frees. He's the outgoing, confident type, but not a player.


    Does this mean he's not interested? Or is he playing hard to get or the waiting game? Do guys wait to call a girl? What do you guys honestly think?

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