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Everything posted by Zilkas98

  1. Thank you it’s very hard. I find my self at work can’t keep it together but I’m trying to stay happy and healthy for this baby 🦋
  2. Yeah we were! He actually asked for the baby first. This is my very first time being pregnant. And thanks it’ll get better i know it
  3. I thought we was excited maybe i was and just blindsided… maybe he really wasn’t he’s been asking and making sure he sees me more since finding out i was pregnant and as soon as the argument hit i asked him did he really want the baby and he said no
  4. Honestly i don’t know he said he loved me and talked about his finances and how he wasn’t where he needed to be and told me to have a nice life
  5. No I’m pretty sure he left because he knew i wasn’t going for it without thinking about and we were arguing all day long
  6. I think i could handle it but asking my circle for advice i feel terrible. They tell me I’m forcing him into fatherhood, I’m being selfish, it’s his child too, you’re setting the baby up for failure,etc and i don’t wanna cause that
  7. I’ve been knowing that I’m pregnant for a little over 3 weeks. My boyfriend was the first person i told. He just seemed so excited and we have been talking about the baby. Not much but we have been talking about a baby shower and saving etc. Yesterday my boyfriend asked to borrow $20 which isn’t much but i have him a hard conversation about the importance of saving at a time like this. The conversation led to an argument to where he said “you’re doing better than me financially, you have all this money etc” And he admitted he just wasn’t ready for a baby right now. I immediately burst into tears. Because i really want to keep my baby. I couldn’t see me killing it even though I’m only 7 weeks. This might be my only opportunity to have a child so i really want to raise it. He argued with me for an hour over the phone and told me we both weren’t ready especially him. He told how i had all these great things going on and how a baby would set me back and that he didn’t have real income and that i should understand TL:DR; my boyfriend wants us to have a baby later but I’m already pregnant
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