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Everything posted by Jakeissorry

  1. It's understandable. Honestly I didn't realize how irresponsible I sounded till she pointed it out. Like mentioned, no one ever said anything about it, only her. As for what are the changes to have an organized life: - Throw away all the worthless, old stuff in my room - Have a calendar or notebook to write down due dates - Manage my money - Never be late ever again to any of our dates or on anything
  2. I do understand and that's what I want to leave this past life and focus on improving things in the present, not just for her but myself too. I know there is a lot to work on.
  3. I've been living a disorganized life overall, my room is full of old stuff, paperworks and invoices that I keep mixing up the due date. Another time I spent money buying on 4 expensive shoe brands instead of paying the bill. Then I realized I had a past due bill.
  4. Not at all. I'm actually glad she pointed all out. I never really had anyone that straight forward like her. If anything, I'll continue improving myself and proving her I can be the man she would want kids with. Sometimes it can take one person to change you for the better. To get an idea of where my carefree attitude and being late at things is coming from, I believe it has to do with being an only child and my parents spoiling me. Many times they would clean my room and I rarely helped with chores; it wasn't demanded. I have good reason why I'm late with my bills. I don't have money issues. I'm going to work on becoming a responsible person, the serious man my gf wants, the one she can trust and rely on. I want to leave this past and become a better self.
  5. Good evening, It's been a very long day today and while all is not lost, she couldn't accept the proposal yet. She admitted to overreacting on her part but really thought I was going to hurt her again like last time, had flashbacks and left. Finding out it was a real proposal and seeing the proof was the only reason she came back. She's putting things on hold at this moment, wants me to keep the ring and ask again in a year from now. She'll make a final decision by then. If she's ready sooner, she'll tell me to ask again but for the meantime only refer to her as my gf. She can't accept it now due to my past pranking history and carefree attittude. She pointed out that a month before the hurtful proposal prank that made her feel insecured in the relationship, I've made jokes about having Covid too (faking coughing) and acted inconsiderate towards others, had a history of sometimes being late to our dates, sometimes delay on paying some bills and doing things at the last minute even when I had enough time. Meanwhile I've stopped doing pranks and improving, she said I need to change more before she considers marriage. I admit, I was unpunctual with my last bill last month. Lastly, she doesn't really care about the ring nor the cost but thought my proposal was lame and it lacked creativity and enthusiasm, as if I wasn't even trying. She couldn't understand why I was creative with the fake proposal but couldn't do the same with the real proposal, put more effort into it.
  6. I just want to update how this has been going so far. She was talking to our mutual friend and her sister. I told them about the issue and took pictures of the ring and receipt. I told them to rely the message that I love her very much and sorry for hurting her in the past, that it would mean a lot if we can talk even if it's for a bit. I was going to go to her house but after reading some of your replies, you're right. I don't want to sound like a stalker nor get her further upset. I know this would work in Hollywood movies but the last thing I want is scaring her. I want to make her happy and feel secure with me. She had to see the ring and receipt in order for her to know it's real. She's coming over tomorrow but has a lot to say. I'm prepared for whatever her reply is.
  7. I really thought she had forgiven me for the proposal prank from 2 years ago and that she would believe me. I didn't realize this (doing it on a natural environment; different than the prank type) would trigger her that badly. I was mistaken.
  8. Wiseman2 I really do have the ring and mean it all. I want her in my life. It's real this time. I need to see her.
  9. A couple weeks after we had a brief conversation about wanting kids, I decided to surprise her with my real proposal. I did that while we were walking in the park. I didn't think she would react badly and thought she would remember the promise I kept, which was that I would never prank like that again and next time it would be for real. Ironically is I put more effort into the prank proposal from 2 years ago and decorated the floor a bit vs this time when it's real. It was a normal day.
  10. Thank you Kwothe28 and yes I was lucky she didn't break up with me the first time.
  11. If you were her what would make you feel better and show you I'm for real this time? I was thinking of going to her house as my last attempt to show her the proof that it's for real.
  12. First of all I want to say that I regret living my life as a prankster in the past. I used to play pranks on everyone (including my family members) and on her too. Well 2 years ago, out of the many pranks I've played on her was a surprise marriage proposal prank with a fake, cheap ring. I know you'll probably going to say I'm the one of the most horrible person ever. She really got hurt, we almost broke up and that was the end of my pranking days. I haven't played another prank ever since. I told her that the 2nd time will be for real and have been trying to make it up to her since. Well yesterday it was for real but she didn't believe me. She got upset, said it's over for pranking about it again and didn't let me explain it was real. She got in her car and drove away. I couldn't catch up to her. I can't even call her. She unfriended and blocked me. The only way for me to talk to her is to go to her house. I'm really sorry for what I did before in the past. Will I win her back? I can show her it's for real this time. Any suggestions?
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