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Dean Gladwyn

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Posts posted by Dean Gladwyn

  1. 14 hours ago, Kwothe28 said:

    I had so many good openings that went nowhere and so many "meh" once that went somewhere that I truly believe it just doesn't matter. It's more if they are open to talking and if you connect. 

    This is what I mean, I came across a video where it gets stipulated that now, more than ever, we need to be 'digitally attractive' through our texts as online dating apps and constant texting is on the rise. If you cannot send a text that shows somewhat of your personality, the other person is going to lose interest. 

    But, I guess what's also important here is if the person is already invested/interested so what/how you say it could be irrelevant.

  2. You're clearly able to stay optimistic and I get a feeling by reading your post you are an attractive person. I can understand the frustration you must feel when you reach most social standards but seem to be failing on the looks side of things, fortunately, it only seems that way, I am not denying your reality in any way as I have seen evidence of looks playing a part in the dating game, but if we go deeper into this subject there is a big difference between attractive and attraction, the ability to spark attraction in a woman is caused by behaviour rather then the way a male face is shaped, therefore if you can learn how to harness your qualities and display them, this is what will cause a woman to choose you as a partner

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  3. He didn't respect you enough to give you a reason for a month before he decided to tell you he didn't want to be with you and he found a girlfriend? Clearly he must have been seeing other women at the same time to be able to build up a connection with someone.

    Ghosting clearly depicts a person as not a priority, and possibly just an option during that time they saw someone. 

    Your sister is right to respond to this situation. I would be mindful of this one. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

    My most difficult part -I started dating my husband in 2005 when I was 39, dated for 24 years while single and not in a relationship - was becoming the right person to find the right person and to stop getting in my own way of finding the excitement and joy of true love in a stable, committed marriage.  Also growing a thick skin because I was out there working my behind off to be involved in environments, activities, etc where I could meet other singles or married people who could introduce me to single people.  Of accepting "rejection" and getting up and brushing myself off after a number of bad/awful/bizarre first meets through online dating sites.

    I would not be married now if I had not crossed a crowded conference room on the morning of Halloween in the 1990s and greeted the new employee at the new employee breakfast.  It took us many years including many of being totally apart to get our act together and get married but if I had not said hi to him and chatted with him and made him feel welcome when he knew nobody we'd most likely not have met.  He was so very shy back then plus we worked for the same really large company but not together.  He asked me out -we had a very traditional relationship -he courted me to the hilt. 

    But I see so many people men and women hiding out, being passive, not being willing to chat with people in environments where you're supposed to, where it's expected -and not going to those environments where you're supposed to. 

    There's so little need to do any random or creepy "cold" approaches or to be around drunk people to meet people -but it takes effort, time, aggravation, stress and you also have to be willing to go alone so that your friends who might flake on you or get to a singles event and want to leave after 15 minutes won't stop you from staying the course.  

    Also the hardest thing is getting 100% clear on what is on your list of musts, sticking to that list, avoiding investing time in strangers online, not dating online but using dating sites to meet in person ASAP, and being clear on your goals - if it's just casual dating then to me online sites are often a waste of time, and if there's some notion or dream of the wedding reception to the exclusion of the actual marriage I would question as to whether the person really wants marriage or just a big party and to be the center of attention and do what all his friends seem to be doing.  Those are tough questions to be honest about.  

    This is great

    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, WaterProofCandy said:

    for me its walking up to x girl I like and being do you wanna date thats hard as heck. I feel like I have the looks/personality im normal no incel/sexist but im a coward and too cowardly to ask anyone out thus here we are lol

    I understand this. It can be extremely daunting approaching a woman we're attracted to. I think we tend to focus on the outcome, making it a high risk exercise

  6. Hi guys, I have been doing a lot of reading on the subject of dating and I am very interested to know other people's opinions on this.

    What would you say is the most difficult part of meeting someone new or finding a partner in the modern age?

  7. She's definitely thought about you on a romantic level. Sometimes we can confuse our feelings when we're close to someone of the opposite gender, but it definitely seems like she could be interested in crossing that boundary with you and becoming romantically involved. 

    The only way you're going to know for sure is if you directly ask her about it, or, take the leap and ask her out on a date! 

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