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Posts posted by Evolve2412

  1. I am 34F. Three months ago a man (44) I used to work with reached out to me and asked me out for drinks. He texted every day all day. He has two kids and lives over an hour away so it wasn’t the easiest making plans which I was ok with. We went out about 4 times and very early on he mentioned sex which I let him know I wasn’t comfortable with yet and he seemed fine with it. The dates were always low effort and usually just drinks and splitting an appetizer. Still, he was constantly communicating and calling so I felt things were ok.

    One night I did some digging and found his Twitter which we don’t follow each other on. We do follow on other platforms. I pieced together that he must have been dating this one girl (he referred to her as a friend to me) and something must have happened about a week before he reached out to me. He’s clearly still hung up on her. Hashtags all pertain to her etc. Now, it appears she’s back in the picture because she’s interacting on his posts. He posts things on the platforms we do follow each other on with hashtags that pertain to her. Which is only clear if you know the backstory, otherwise you would just think he’s referring to a girlfriend. Since then, his communication with me has drastically diminished. I don’t reach out first because I’m annoyed, but I do respond when he reaches out because I don’t believe in ghosting. 

    But here’s the thing. I am annoyed. He knows I see those posts and doesn’t care that he’s referring to another “she” in them. He must know I’ve noticed the decrease in outreach. And the lack of trying to make plans. He also knows we have mutual work friends from our previous job who know we were seeing each other (he told them not me), so it’s weird and then I am just constantly waiting for him to post a pic with the other girl and I’ll have to explain to everyone what happened. 

    So when he does reach out part of me wants to just “break it off” officially even though what we had seemed so casual. Still, it just seems so weird to go from “I like you” type messages to just reaching out to ask how my day was - what’s the point? Anyway, do I tell him or do I just stop responding - which I hate to do. Thanks!!

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