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Posts posted by Stevie15

  1. Hi all

    I apologise for what may seem like a long entry but there is a lot of background to this story. 

    I began dating my boyfriend (the first time around) last year. Unfortunately there were issues in the relationships, on both sides. From my perspective, he seemed happy only seeing me twice a week for a few hours. If I suggested having a day out together, that would go in place of an evening we would have, never as additional time together. He never introduced me to anybody, never took me on a date night, he kept his life from me very hidden, including his work. He never once told me who he worked for. I started to notice that he would interact with other girls on social media, liking their pictures and commenting but with me, it was as though I didn't exist. When I asked him about this, he blocked me on in social media and commented 'problem solved'. I always questioned my part in his life as he kept some big things from me I.e. he wouldn't have kids, get married, live with someone etc. He told me I would never control him and that if he wanted to do things I.e. holidays without me, he would and I'd have to deal with it. He even said I wasn't invited to his birthday celebrations in which all his friends and their partners attended because I don't have to be involved in everything and I had the 'privilege' to see him on the actual day

    Before we broke up, he told me to come over and we would speak the weekend together. When I got to his flat, he wasn't in or he pretended not to be. Of course that marked the end for us and I was heartbroken. Completely. I l loved him and had put so much effort into making sure he knew that. 


    Over the time we were apart, we exchanged messages, not all of which were nice from him but I still had strong feelings for him and I suppose being confused as to his behaviour, was holding on to those. 

    He was adamant he did not care for me nor did he want to reconcile. However, late last year, in a general (and amicable) conversation, he hinted at me to see him, which, I did. We had a discussion about what happened but he said said still loved me and he was angry about things last time. He also said over time he realised his feelings. We agreed to give it a try but I'm starting to doubt. 

    We have done a few things together and he says he plans to take me to met people but he still keeps things from me. If he goes out with friends, he doesn't tell me. Don't get me.wrong, I don't want to know because I'm being nosey or controlling but I thought couples were open about things and I don't see why he hides things that are not a big thing. Again, I asked him about this and he completely changed. He told me that I didn't need to know everything and he wasn't going to tell me everything. In addition, he said he wouldn't be kept tabs on or told what to do despite this not being the case. I'm very open and tell him everything but he sees that as a bad thing. He told me he wouldn't tolerate my behaviour I displayed before, I.e  questioning him about the relationship and to be frank, he spoke to me like I was about 10 years old. 


    I'm confused as to whether my doubts stem from the first time we dated or whether I am actually seeing real issues. 


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