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  1. I just have a gut feeling he's into her and something i'm unaware of is stopping him from going for her, which might be the fact she's the female equivalent of a f-boy like he mentioned but that doesn't necessarily mean he wouldn't have some sort of crush on her. He shows me affection but i'm definitely much more affectionate. He said he's bad with showing his feelings so I have to take that into consideration. We spend time maybe on average 3-4 days of the week together. He's always doing something that makes me feel uncomfortable with how close he is to her, like liking her twitter outfit pics and a lot of her tweets. Even a tweet about how she'd never go back to her ex....
  2. The thing is he denies having a thing for her, because she is too "toxic" of a person to date and it would be a headache. He says he wants to be with me only but men can say anything.
  3. So my boyfriend (26) M and I (25) F have been dating for 8 months. Throughout the entire duration of the relationship, I suspected him of having a crush on his coworker/best friend who is a female. They have been friends/coworkers for around 2 years. She is his boss and they are alone together at work for 5 hours and they are very close and talk about everything, including his relationship with me and her previous relationship. She is currently single and has been for a few months now. I have talked to him about my gut feeling of him having a thing for her, as they have the same interests and hobbies and get along really well and physically he admitted when I asked him if he thought she was pretty, he said he did find her pretty and attractive when they first met. He said he never had a crush on her and I just can't find it in myself to believe it at all. He said to me if he wanted to be with her, he would be and he chose to be with me. They text frequently as their conversation is always at the top of his recent texts and snaps. She had a health monitoring app that alerted her phone that he also said he installed. When i asked why his phone was being blown up by an app but he explained it to me and said he installed it due to a joke. I told him it was weird for him to be alerted of her health and I didn't like it and he agreed and uninstalled and told her about him thinking it wasn't right. She then messaged me saying all of her coworkers are also notified and she didn't mean any harm. I've been feeling suspicious and my gut feeling has been telling me he is lying to me about his true feelings for her although he's reassured me multiple times that he doesn't and never has seen her that way. It's wrong to have felt this way through the whole relationship but he hasn't done anything to break my trust as of yet. Also to note he does not hang out with her one on one outside of work except for when they occasionally game together online. Should I trust him or should I end things because I always have a gut feeling about him having feelings despite being reassured he doesn't?
  4. We are seeing each other and the mutual goal is to end up dating. It’s clear to the both of us we want to date each other but he said he can’t put into words as to why he hasn’t asked me to be his girlfriend yet. He discussed before it was because we haven’t had enough deep conversations. We are technically friends who also have benefits yes but he wants a girlfriend and he likes me but there’s just some aspects that make me question things. I am afraid I am wasting my time and I should move on but he expressed to me he doesn’t want me to leave him. But thanks for your suggestions and tips!
  5. I (24F) don’t know what to do about (25M). I‘ve been talking to a guy for over 2 months now. The reason why he won’t date me yet is because he can’t put it into words, but he reassured me it’s not that I’m not enough and he likes me and everything. He mentioned many times before he wanted to have “deep conversations” before dating me to make sure we were “compatible life partners”. We had this talk. Nothing came about it. Idk what else there is to be said. It’s like the man wants to know everything about me before dating me. Idk if I’m just wasting my time or not. I understand you should definitely know the person before dating them, but with him I feel we know each other well enough. We talk everyday all day for 10 weeks now. He is also close with his female co worker who I recently found out he spent a lot of his free time at their work where he goes to workout, with her in the back office to talk and sit side by side and laugh for over an hour. He didn’t tell me he was doing this but rather he was still there at the gym “working out still”. He also likes her revealing pics on Instagram. I confronted him about her after she texted him the night we hung out which she said she was bored. He said she starts the convos and he doesn’t reply half the time and he doesn’t talk to her everyday. Idk if I believe this. He said she’s too young for him (5 year difference) and she’s not his type but he admits she’s good looking. We talked more about her last night and he said if she showed interest he’d reject her since he likes me. He also said since they’re coworkers they cannot date. It’s just that the reassurance wasn’t there when I needed it and he didn’t say he wasn’t interested. It’s the things he didn’t say that he could’ve said to make me feel more comfortable with it all that bug me. I left his place last night after we just sat there in silence watching a tv show on opposite ends of the bed and I left without any kiss goodbye like we usually do. He hasn’t texted me back since last night after I left and I don’t want to text him until I think he’s ignoring me. I really like him and he’s a nice guy but everyone around me is telling me to call it off. Am I looking into this too deeply?
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