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Posts posted by iamconfused5302

  1. Hi there,


    I have been dating this girl for about 2 months and she still loves her bf and trying to forget about him. Now, she says that she loves me and misses me. Eventually soon she wants to be my gf. I mention it at times to her that i want to have a relationship soon. perhaps i shouldnt have. cause she says it annoys her when i do mention it. She says that if i dont mention it all she will consider on going out with me.


    Yesterday night, she went ballistic on me because i wouldnt study hard enough on my certification exam. she says that she cares so much for me to pass my test. Then , she says not to talk to her again. I said ok. She starts caling me like 20 times and ignored it cause i didnt feel like hearing her yell at me. I mean i really like her alot, what shall i do.

  2. LOL. yea your right on the button. its not only that. sometimes i think she likes pick arguments but when they do happen. they are resolved within 30 min. i dont stress over it. it bothers her that it doesnt bother me. LOL.

  3. thanks for the reply. im not looking for something serious right now. im just dating her and i enjoy my time with her which is great. she talks to me on the phone more than her ex. do u think i should not contact her and have her contact me?

  4. Thanks for stopping by. i have been dating this girl for 2 months, but she still talks to her ex bf. She sees me alot more than she sees her ex bf. That is not what im saying here. She gets mad pretty easily, if its not her way its the highway. She usually texts me and says that she doesnt want to talk to me anymore. next day , she would call me or text me to hang out. What im asking is, what can i do to have her chase after me instead of me doing it to her. Any suggestions will help. Thanks

  5. yea last night , she calls me and says what im doing. I said im hanging out with my friend and was drinking. So I told her that i was going to call her back when im finished. She texts mess. me 30 min. later that she is going to bed. i texted her back to wish her a good night and she responds stop texting me im sleeping. so i texted back and said,"remember u texted me first and had the common courtesy to respond back to you cause thats the respectful way. if you dont like it, just dont talk to me. thanks take care". few seconds later , she calls me that she was sleeping, i told her that she didnt have to treat me in a mean way. Then she goes we are not going out and i said thats right we arent. so go to sleep and good night. thats the end of it.

  6. I see thanks for the tip. One more question, when I tell her things that I dont care. She calls me more and she always asks me if Im mad at her.

    What is up with that? to answer to your question she is 23 yrs old

  7. she told me few nights ago. that she was thinking of having a serious relationship and then she says she doesnt. i think shes confused. After the night she told me she was thinking of having the relationship with me. she kissed me. LOL

  8. Hey Everyone,


    I just don't get it. I have been casually dating this one girl for the past few weeks. She calls and texts me all the time more than I call or text her. The thing is she has broken up with her bf that she had a 3 yr relationship with 2 months ago. She tells me 2 days ago that she likes me alot and doesnt know if she wants a relationship with me esp. a long term one. So, I told her that I understand there is no pressure and to take her time. She also mentioned that she would be upset if she saw me dating other girls. I told her i wouldnt and prob wrong move on my part but i dont know. I seriously think shes confused. To be honest I care for the girl and like her also. My question is, what shall i do?

  9. well, she keeps asking me to be her friend. esp when she knew that i was unsure. then she goes that it will be .001% for us to be together if we are not friends. She doesnt know if she misses me or my co. Than that if shes with the new guy and wanting to find out if she wants me instead

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