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Posts posted by Puck13865

  1. This is kind of a hard situation for me to figure out and thought that an unbiased opinion would be able to see it more clearly. I am interested in a girl, Jen, I have known her since high school but we were only accquantinces then and it has been about 4 years since we have graduated. Now we are taking a class together in college. At first I was amazed at how much better she looked and was surprised that I was even attracted to her. So I asked her to go and study with me after we had been in class for about a week. This has become a routine now for us whenever we have homework from this class. So I invited her to a party that my friends were having and she said that she had plans to go out with her friends that night but offered for me to join them, so I took her phone number and she took mine. I decided to go to my friends party, but end up meeting her later with her friends. After we had met up the one friend and I that I brought with me kinda hung out by the bar and not with her and her group of friends. She kept coming up to see that I was haveing fun and then pushed me out onto the dance floor. She ended up haveing a couple of drinks and became worried that I would think that she was a lush. Then the following Wed. she asked me if I had seen any movies lately. Eventually we started talking about a movie that we both wanted to see. Then she mentioned that she did not have plans on Sat. night. I did not ask her to do anything as we had to get back into class. Then as we got to our cars she mentioned again that she did not have any plans for Sat night. So I asked her to go to the movies and get dinner she replied "That sounds like a lot of fun I will call you as I have to go to my sisters dance comp near magic mtn. then we can figure out the time we can go." So needless to say I was happy. Sat. rolled around and she did not call. I did not talk to her until Mon. then she ended up telling me that her Dad had surprised her with tickets to a baseball game on Fri. and it was in arizona and that she forgot her cell phone which had my phone number. It seemed very believeable. We ended up going to the spot that we go to study at and spent the first hour just talking. She began to ask me my thoughts on marriage. And also told me some stuff she said she normally does not tell people. Such as that she is commitment phobic/ her Dad has been married 5 times and stuff like that. This is where everything gets confusing for me. Since then I have gone to the bars with her and her friends but did not dance with her or anything, and it seemed as if she did not care that I was there then as we left she came out of her way to give me a hug. The next time I saw her I asked for a better way to get in touch with her as I had invited her to another party and she seemed reluctant to give me her house number but then after she gave it she did not seem uneasy. Then she invited me to go dancing with her and one other friend of hers that I have met. But I dont know what to think. I am trying to convey the story as unbaised as can be but I am in the middle of the situation so it makes it harder to see it clearly.

  2. Just as all the previous people posted it is time to move on I was in a similar situation, where the realationship was being draged out and my Ex-girlfriend was stringing me along. It was hard to get away from her as we had dated for six years but i felt better after I finally got her out of my life and accepted the fact that we were not going to get back together. So get out and dont look back it will take a while to heal but it is the healthist thing for you to do.

  3. I need some advice as to find out how to help a girl i am talking to that is commitment phobic. I would assume that most of her phobia comes from her dad being married 5 times. She says that she is also worried about losing her single life. Any ideas of how to handle this would be great as she is a great girl and we both really enjoy each others company.

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