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Posts posted by equinax

  1. 2 minutes ago, SherrySher said:

    You are involved with a compulsive cheater and liar, please stop kidding yourself.

    You seen the red flags right from the start. "little white lie"...are lies, nothing little about it.

    She showed you who she was right from the start. You choose to look the other way.

    She has cheated on you repeatedly and yet you keep bending back over and taking more.

    Where is your self respect?

    When are you going to stand up for yourself, and stop allowing this lying, cheating manipulator to continue to mess you over?

    Her suggestion to tell your mother "I love you", was a nice suggestion, but that was a moment between you and your mom, that YOU choose to do. Don't make it about her, at all.

    And a suggestion, is tiny in comparison to the crap she has pulled.

    No doubt there is even more men out there that's she been fooling around with.

    Most times when you find something out, it's only the tip of the iceberg.

    Please get a backbone, block her, put her stuff out on the porch and tell her it's there and if she doesn't come get it, it will be hauled away by the garbage men.

    Stop allowing her to use you, or have anything more to do with you.

    She has treated you like a dog, and it's high time you take your self respect back. 

    top top post. you can be walter white in season one breaking bad. you have nothing to lose. controlling abusive people need people to dominate. if you stop being that person you will turn the table. xx


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  2. i absolutely hate to boil such a thoughtful and enlightening post down into two words but i will. 'empathy' and 'trust.' how would your girl feel if you treated her the way you described? be as brutal as you can in your answer? secondly. the same. do you trust her? you cant build a marriage without trust but you can trap a lust with an engagement? hand on heart, judgement day moment, do you feel you deserve better? if you do. speak up. you have NOTHING to lose xx 

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  3. left on the shelf? please. tomorrow. promise me you do the following. take a shower. drink a pint of pure fruit juice. take 1000mg of vitamin D. rent and watch limitless then 'yes man' and download and read the book 'the secret.' you are your energy my friend and i promise you after a bump start you can visualise happiness. best of luck xx 

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