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Posts posted by introanna

  1. we have known eachother for a few years and have been together for about a year, and i do love him and i know hes the one for me, and i know he loves me, i do believe that. Hes awsome the best thing that ever happed to me. and i could be with him forever, but i a very sexual person... i just dont know how to go about fixing this problem. i'm not going to go eles where for my needs, and i hope to god he isnt.. but i'm shure he wont. i just need a way to get through to him that i need something!

  2. I just moved in with my boyfriend, about 6 weeks ago. And we used to have so much fun, and he and I loved having sex. But now that we have moved in together I feel like he just doesn’t care anymore, I confronted him about it and he says he’s just feeling kind of stressed out with his new job, and doesn’t feel the urge right now. That was a few weeks ago and now I ask and he says he cant because it hurts him too much (he has a hernia and wont go get it fixed). I know all of this stuff is true, but man I need something, he doesn’t even kiss me like he used to or try to make up for it in other ways. Its really draining on me sexually and my self-esteem. I feel like a piece of crap. Also I can home and on the computer was a search for he pictures of hot models. I mean is he just no attracted to me anymore?


    He says he loves me and he thinks im hot and finds me attractive. I feel like he lying because his actions do say that at all. I dont know what to do, i'm in need of sexual attention.

  3. i meet this guy a few mouths ago and i see him every few weeks, we kind of have mutual friends and hang out at the same bars. and i have always had a thing for him but i'm not the type to do anything about it.


    so this last week 3 people have told me that he has a crush on me and talks about me sometimes. but thay all said hes wayy to shy to ever make a move.


    so what do i do.. i think i'm prepared to do this my self (hes the only guy in town i find remotly atractive).. but how do i do it? without scaring him off or making a fool out of myself.



  4. if shes just making uot with a few people here and there to get over some fellings.. that to me isnt a big problem.. if it stays at that level... if i feel stressed out about anything making out with randome guys is an easy way to feel better... (but not the best for your helth mentaly) and its addictive to get attention that way.. i have done it for years and i kinda wish i could stop. kind of. a little.


    but mabey you can take her out to do other things.. that don't incued drinking or party habbits.

  5. i find when people act out like that , there is something in there life that thay are trying to forget or put passed them.. its like a race to get a head of your problem... party and youll forget. (it never wrkeds) until you lose everyone and its bad.. ive seen it happen to too menny people i know and i was well on my way my self.

    its not easy to talk to people about that stuff.. but mabey see if deep inside she has something she needs help with. but its hard... and its really hard if shes taking any kind of drugs... which she might be.

  6. yes well thank you for your advice... i dont know what i'm gona do.. i have to get my stuff back from him.. and posibly tell him off in some lovley way. i just can stop over thinking it... and you right i really better not take him back at all... uhh so hard


    it makes me sick

  7. i'm 20 and he was 24... its not like we havent had relationships before. i would think he would be more. i donno grown up about it.


    and another thing... if i tell him i think it should be over with us.. i would feel silly bacause.. i think he thinks its over aledy with out us even talking about it... its like i missed the talk we had when we broke it off! but there was no talk. its soo awcward. (sp?)

  8. ...i meet this guy at a party about 3 mounths ago.. we were totaly into each other, and we new it.. it was like a drug took over our bodys when we were together... (i've been with guys but holy cow) he felt it too... it was a weird connection.

    the day after i meet him he broke it off with some girl he was seeing (because he liked me soo much he said.. and thay were going no where) she was really upset.


    anyway we saw eathother all the time he called me i called him it was totaly mutual... 2 weeks into it we started haveing sex and i was over at his place all the time. it was good. but we never talked about what our "relationship" was but we held hands all the time loveydovey. he told me he had never felt like this for anyone. then we were both woring alot.. but he saw each other still quite a bit. i got sick for a bit so like a week went by where we just talked on the phone.


    then one day he felt distent.. like he was just not into it , i would call and he would be with that girl he was with before... he said thay were just friends... but who knows if thats true and she started to take up all him time and call all the time. and he would make plans with me and some how forget the next day.. and do somehing with her... we would kiss all the time but now he just dosent move in and was surprised that i even tryed to kiss him once... i feel totaly palyed and like a fool.


    i know he sarted to do drugs again (like "x") and he knows i hate that.. and hes become a burn out when ever i see him .. the last week or so i have felt soo stupid.. and i cant talk to him about it.. i feel silly. and like mabey i knew this was all coming.. but i loved the time i had with him. i dont want it to go.. and i dont know why it has gone...


    what should i do... i kinda want to just get it out there and know what hes thinking.. i really think hes a big loser right now... but uhh i need help. i feel like poop.

    what do i do...

  9. ohh man i am going through the same thing .. but possibly i'm in a worse boat... guys can be horrid. i know what you mean .. if you call he could be like totaly put off and you would feel even worse, i wish communication was easy. i wish we could just know and get it over with.

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