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Everything posted by B_1234

  1. Sorry we have been engaged about 5 years!!
  2. No wedding date as of yet judt planning to buy a house! We have been engaged for 5 years!
  3. Yes this is true we’ve been together since age of 15 so I suppose from then till now where I am 26 it is all I’ve Felt!
  4. Thanks so much!! Just feel so all over the place it’s so hard!
  5. I have wrote it all down and ready to express it! I just have included every single little detail and won’t let him till me I’m wrong j
  6. I appreciate the fact you have took time out to help me and give me advice! I am so grateful! I’m in the middle of writing my feelings down
  7. No he hasn’t told me no one else would want me I suppose I just have a low opnion of myself!
  8. Yes I just feel like that’s exactly how it is! I’m embarrassed to even tell my family it just doesn’t seem right. Just feel that’s exactly right I just feel I won’t be good enough for anyone else
  9. He does say things to me sometimes because if I do something silly like forget to put a colour catcher in wash or move something of his if I’m cleaning up then If I do these things by choice or I don’t see the problem! The relationship used to be so good the best that’s why I got engaged and got a house but now I just feel so sad
  10. Don’t even know what I want right now it’s so hard because he’s all I’ve known for 11 whole years just can’t imagine anyone else wanting me!
  11. I just don’t feel important I guess. He just knows the right things to say and doesn’t help that we share a house and I don’t get paid loads and he does so he can always use that! He’ll just say I couldn’t afford to go alone etc
  12. I feel I put up with it because way he makes me feel like saying they are good friends and don’t get to see each other much so I shouldn’t be ruining the time togethe! And no idea we are planning to buy a house in the next year! And no it seems just different then before when they became friends! I had a friend in past who was a boy and he was awful about me spending time with him always making me feel guilty and we only went shopping nothing like this!
  13. Yes it is my house! I just get told I’m not invited places and I’m just in a mood.
  14. Thanks very much! I feel I need to address it when she’s gone home or he will just claim I’m ruining the time
  15. I know I often wonder how he would feel I have got male friends myself but we just meet for a drink or food nothing like this! I can imagine he would just say he didn’t care till it happened
  16. Just finding it all hard he doesn’t see things from my view! I asked today if I could be invited got told I’m not invited to visit his family so stayed home! Then they were going go to beach after but got told I wasn’t invited to that eithe! So just bit rubbish
  17. Hi I didn’t really want to write on any forums etc but didn’t know what else to do so I’d appreciate no judging comments and just advice. I’ve been with my partner for nearly 11 years we are engaged etc and he has a friend from another country to ours so she often comes over and he goes over there she is married has children etc. Now I do trust my partner of course but sometimes when she’s over here and they stay at my house I just feel like a spare part like they do things sometimes me and my partner would do on a weekend and I do want him to be happy and spend time with his friend be barely sees but I can’t help feeling a bit rubbish!
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