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Posts posted by SadnLonelyGuy

  1. I can relate to a lot of what your'e going through. I'm 5'5" too, but I weigh

    209 lbs. I have worked out for a long time. If you worked out and ate A LOT, you'd gain the weight too. Girls seem to think I'm whimpy cuz I'm short, until I beat up the guy who's 6'3" tall, 240 pounds!


    I can see that you are bitter. I don't blame you. But on the other hand, let me tell you this:


    I am popular. I'm not the best looking guy around, but I'd say I'm attractive. I am extremely athletic and very strong and muscular. I'm very smart (not bragging, but I'm proud).




    (I can't talk to any of my friends about what I'm going through, it's not cool and I don't want to risk losing my buddies)


    sometimes the people that you think have it all, really don't. The one thing I can't get for the life of me, is a girlfriend. And it drives me nuts!!


    You're not alone, most of my friends have girlfriends too. And I don't know why I can't get one.


    Just go on with life and maby we'll someday get lucky and a girl will ask us out. Don't think about killing yourself.


    I want a girlfriend so bad, nobody could know how bad I want one. But even if I remain single for the rest of my life, I'll never kill myself.





  2. I find myself in a sea of despair, true love may be waiting-but I don't know where.


    I'm so alone and so sad, I want a girlfriend so bad-seeing couples together just drives me mad.


    The girls only go for jackasses-well what about me? I'm a nice guy who isn't whimpy.


    Every time I'm with friends the girls flirt with them, but they ignore me. I do my best to get thier attention, so how could this be?


    They even come into the store where I work, and won't look at me!


    And yet another example walked right past me, a couple hand-in-hand talking cheerfuly.


    I'm so shy, Oh my! I don't know why-I'm so scared of rejection sometimes I cry.


    I wonder what's wrong with me, why can't I get a girl? Thoughts of being alone forever really make me hurl.


    What is it that the other guys have, that I aint got? From what I can tell, it aint a whole lot.


    Sometimes I wonder if girls like hurting me...like it's a big game and they play it with glee.


    It seems like no woman will ever want me. If that's the case, I'll never be happy.


    I'm 24 years old and haven't had a girlfriend since I turned 15. My girlfriend dumped me on my birthday, damn that was mean!


    And there's a girl named Crystal, who's a super slut. She'd have sex with anybody, anyone but.....


    I must be undesirable, cuz she did everyone else except for me. For me I guess that's how life has to be.


    I wonder if chicks think that I'm gay. I'd never even think of going that way.


    So here I sit, so sadly.....wondering if there's anyone out there for me...


    I don't know how long I can go on like this, it's eating me up inside.

    Maby I should walk out into an ocean and wait for the tide.


    I can't get the idea out of my head that I'm not good enough for anyone.

    Stop thinking like that? Easier said than done.


    One girl I loved long ago, guess I didn't have a big enough ego.

    Cuz behind my house one day, I saw her and was about to say hey!

    But then I saw my best friend with her and they were rolling around kissing on the grass....oh man I wanted to kick his ass!!


    Instead I went inside, kept my feelings locked up in my mind.


    To this day, it still hurts. In the back of my mind is where the pain lurks.


    I've tried so many times to show girls that I'm interested. But they always go for someone else instead.


    I just don't know what else to say, I long for a girlfriend day after day...


    If you have some advice don't hold back....I need to be steered on the right track.


    ----A guy who dosen't think a woman will ever love me, or even go out with me-------

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