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Posts posted by lyr521

  1. here's what i would do...


    i would tell the two liars that i dont want to be in the middle of this. id tell them both also that theyre wrong and downright SHADY for even acting like this.


    id tell them that what goes around comes around and they need to fess up. i wouldnt tell the other girl because it would get too messy. but i would try to convince the wrong doers in this to fess up.



    sorry ur in the middle of this.

  2. So I just deleted her email and kept on going with my NC, not just because I'm not fully over her but because her privledge of being involved in my life has been taken away. I will never lower myself to just have some girl walk all over my heart. She overestimated my kindness as a weakness... never again.



    ARGH, i want to be like u!!!!!! thx for writing this reply to the original poster... ur right... i need to look at talking to me as a priveledge for him. HE hurt ME. HE betrayed ME. HE lied to ME.... im tired of his footprints on my heart (not the Jesus kind..the stomping evil ex boyfriend kind..)



    *sigh* good night to all, im going to sleep. ill pray for everyone here on Enotalone...

  3. being a single mom..if she split from u and said it was on her daughters behalf then give her some time...

    she's probably a bit confused about the affection...


    it took me one year for my ex bf to even MEET my daughter....then i took things extremeeelllyyyy slow.....


    it still backfired cuz i just broke up with him...ultimatley he's no good for me or my daughter....u sound diff. than my ex.


    respect her wishes though.... keep up the N/C. ultimatley its her choice...


    good luck

  4. u just made sweet sweet love.. kissing her neck and rubbing her back...

    afterwards u turn around and argue 'bout stuff from the past..

    she's layng there with tears in her eyes..

    but u ignore her reaction cuz ur hurting inside..

    people deal with drama in different ways..

    but my man.. thats the thing u gotta change

    ur gonna lose her..

    then ur gonna miss her...


    and all that pleading and begging won't do ANYTHING

    but just push her



    my man.. things have GOT to change..


    good mornings are special.. the way she whispers that goodbye in ur ear

    ur feelin that high in ur heart till she's out of ur face and that resentment appears..


    everytime ur away u think about how she loves u

    but those thoughts change when u remember how she's hurt u

    u keep forgetting that uve put her down before

    kept breaking her heart before

    and although she didnt deserve it

    u kept taking her for granted

    u almost lost her

    because u couldn't get it together

    things have GOT to change


    look at those tears in her eyes my man

    and start re-building what u can

    she loves u wants everything about u...

    she knows u love her too…

    it goes both ways my man..

    things have to change

  5. after 3.5 years of just up and down roller coaster drama.. i finally broke it off with him. i just did it friday u know.... is it over? i dont even know for sure... do i want it to be over? badly.


    in the very very beginning it was .. like fireworks. oh my God is all i could say.. then well.. turbulance kicked in. justified or not.. he has put his hands on me in the past.. not too forceful.. but enough to leave me with a headache and a sprain on a couple of places... he has demeaned me.. spit on me... and so forth. his jealousy was out of control and eventually he cheated on me.


    i felt like i was on some crazy ride on a Great Adventures roller coaster... after splitting up for awhile.. i took him back!!!! could u believe i took him back!!!!!!!!!!!!?????? i love (loved) him soooo much. i cried every night without him.. i couldnt sleep.. eat.. concentrate..i just kind of went about the day like i was a ghost... but oh when i had him back in my arms i felt so goood... i mean.. SO SO good.


    anyways... that was a year ago.. things had calmed so much.. his anger was so much better.. and i saw him trying his darndest. he wanted it to work out so bad between us.. so he tried.. and i tried... i think in the middle of him trying.. i was actually still not healed inside...


    we mixed our children together.. and i eventually grew a relationship with his and him with mine. one night i jut kind of woke up and smelled the coffee.... something just snapped and i kept telling myself that he'll never change and sooner or later his temper will come up again and GOD FORBID my own child sees that side of him (she's too young now..) i broke it off without thinking about it.. (i mean hell, what was there to think about anyway..?)


    im desperate.. i need to get him out of my head. im dying to call him. in fact, i have... i just blocked my number and hung up on the first ring. everything and anything reminds me of him. i feel worthless, crappy, low and just beyond hideous without him....which is like only 3steps below of how i felt when i was with him....being with him was like the lesser of two evils.


    i even called up an old fling to get my mind off of him. im so desperate. hell, im even thinking of having a sexual relationship with my old fling again. ANYTHING...


    but i know all that would do is make me feel lower. i dont know what to do? i know my ex is just a time bomb... but how do i get rid of that annoying little LYING voice telling me he's changed..that he IS my soulmate.. blah blah blah...that stupid little voice keeps telling me ive made a mistake.


    i want to move on.. i DO i DO i DO. but i need to get through the beginning of hurting and desperation first.


    ive sat here on my computer screen reading and reading into this site...advice after advice, problem after problem... i kept thinking i can do this myself... but i realize that i CANT.


    im such a private person and i have a small circle of close friends who have theyre own problems.... im scared ill go back to him. i want to... so bad. i think if he were to ring my bell now id cry and cry and ask him to hold me....


    i need help. what can/should i do? my self esteem is shot. my eating habits are starting to be bad again...(im a starver not a stuffer)... i dont want to lose anymore weight.. im tiny as it is already... im in school.. i dont want to lower my grades because of stress....


    ive never really been alone but i need to be. how do those happy single people do it? everytime i see a couple i hurt inside....


    i just want what everyone wants... a chemical complimentary in my partner...

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