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Posts posted by Tony

  1. Women can usually tell if a male looks desperate or not and by not coming accross that way,along side having a pleasant/confident personality-then women will naturally like you for it!

    I don't agree with the comment that women are fake!!

    I personally think women are great and i like to get on with them very well and maybe thats the key to it all from a male perspective!

    At the end of the day if you are litterally asking for females to notice you,then they won't - have the opposite attitude and they will notice you and will start fancying you alot more so!

  2. I for one cannot put myself in your shoes coz even though i'm only 27, i've had more than my fair share of partners etc...and even when i'm out for a night out etc...90% of the time i have no difficulty in meeting anyone whatsoever (assuming i'm single!!!)

    At the end of the day i put it down to 2 things! personality & confidence - regardless of looks,they do not matter trust me on that,and ignore anyone who says otherwise!

  3. Last month i lost my Grandmother through lung cancer!

    I have been upset & devastated ever since even though i had time to prepare for it (coz i knew it was gonna happen!)

    I was very very close to my G-Mother and i grew up with her for the first 12 years of my life and even after that she always played a close part in my life!

    She died last month as i said, and i'm somewhat lost in my own grief at the moment and can't get my head around the fact that she has gone!

    Has anyone any advice/words of comfort etc...?

  4. Firstly,i would say to you to stop trying so hard to find a girl that will like you/fancy you etc.....the day you stop doing that will be the day girls start taking a likeness to you!

    Females seem to have a sixth sense and know what men are thinking and can manipulate/exploit men in that sense!

    Put as much effort into other areas of your life as you do into attracting females and you will find that females will start takeing a likeness to you without you even realizeing it!!!

    By coming accross as not bothered/preoccupied with other things and acting "Mr cool" - females will be attracted to you,regardless of looks etc..i guarantee you!

    I guess you are proberbly coming on too strongly to females and they are put off by that and that's why you are always seeing them with other guy's etc..coz those guy's are doing/have done something right that you are'nt/or have not done! Ask yourself what things those guy's are doing correctly that you are not and learn off them!

    Learn to be charming with women/make them laugh etc...and not be so full on with them!

    You also need to start treating girls as potential friends and not potential lovers/partners, and the day you do-you will see a dramatic turn around in your fortunes-i promise!

  5. Hi i am new here and i am just putting this message on here to try and make new female friends-preferbly from the u.k if poss?

    My name is Tony,i'm 27 from England-very kind,caring and loving and down to earth etc...

    I have been single since my 4 year relationship came to an end last year and i'm hoping to corresponde with a nice,genuine,caring,friendly female (looks and age unimportant) who would like to become friends with me!

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