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Posts posted by Liger

  1. Thanks for all the advice everyone. Ill ask him if he wants her to visit and then tell her. I have told her that the whole reason for this all happening is stupid and that her friends should either respect her decisions, or she should find new ones.

    Thanks again for the advice.


  2. I just found out that my best friend tried to commit suicide by over dosing on some pills. His GF, whom is also one of my friends, called me up and told me. Here's some background info: They were keeping their relationship secret becuase we're seniors, and shes a sophmore. Her friends were not very accepting of my friend(her BF). Someone told her friends they were going out and gave her two options that were either to break up with him, or loose their friendship.


    My question is that when i go to visit him tomorrow in the hospital what should i say?? Or more importantly not say?? We are best friends, and he had tried to get a hold of me before he tried to commit suicide.

    She was wondering if she should visit him or not, what do you guys think??

    Thanks for all replys!


  3. Yes the doctor told me i should not play any sports for 1 month from this past tuesday. My older brother who is in med school also called me and told me that. The doctor said i was doing much better and should be fine. He told me i could resume my normal activities minus any sports.

    Thanks, Liger

  4. Hello everyone i have had mono for the past few weeks and am over it now. I had it pretty bad and had to stay overnight in a hospital.

    But anyway i was wondering how long should i wait before kissing anyone as i dont want to transmit the virus unintentionaly? I would ask my older brother but he is in his med school classes right now.



  5. I just hung out with her tonight and all went well. Just like it was before we "broke up". Nothing has changed except the title of our relationship i guess. We talked for the whole time and when she asked me what i said that i really really liked her and then told her what i like about her. Has anyone else had this occur?? Having your BF/GF ask you "what are you thinking" constantly?


    So i guess you can disregard my problem, i think i played it up in my mind to be something bigger than it actually is.



  6. My current girl friend just broke up with me a few days ago after we had hung out for 7 hours at a family event of hers. At the end of the night when it was about time for me to leave she said "Hey I really really like you and your a great guy... but i think we should just be friends for right now and not be exclusively dating." she also said her reason for breaking up was becuase i dont talk enough. We were in the car for maybe an hour out of the seven and we talked the whole time. I will admit that i am a little shy when it comes to a lot of people i dont know. The family event was a house warming thing and there were only 3 people there i didnt know, but i still talked to them with no problems.


    I responded to her saying that i dont talk enough with something to the effect that when all she asks is "What are you thinking?" its a little difficult to come up with an answer, and how can that start a conversation really. I have responded to it a few times and the conversation went no where. We have a lot of the same interests, especially when it comes to school subjects... but for some reason she doesn't want to talk about them to much. So how should i respond to "What are you thinking?"


    Later that night when she dumped me she sent me a text msg saying "you mean so much to me, but do you understand? I dont want you upset with me." I sent one back saying "Yea sure i understand..."


    Last night when she found out that i was going to be drinking with some of my friends she told me to be careful. She asked me to go visit her at work so i said sure. She was still wanting to hold my hand and winking at me and stuff like that at work. Then she called me up when i was drunk and wanted me to tell her that i loved her. Now these two things are what confuse me.


    She called me up this morning and asked me if i was doing alright and asked if i was going to be driving. (I had stayed overnight at my friends house so i wouldnt risk driving home drunk, and underage)


    Now ive got three options: 1)Remain only friends with her. 2) Become better friends and then go out again (This is what she wants to do maybe??) but that makes me cautious becuase of the friends zone. 3) Stop talking to her all together.



  7. Alright Thanks, thats what i was thinking too. Oh yea by the way i guess i probably should have said this in the original post. She was calling me after she got home from going out to eat and a movie. They were not there when she was trying to call me.

  8. There is this girl that i have known for about 2-3 months. We talk all the time on the phone, but whenever we have planned to hang out with each other she has always backed out of it.(We've planned to go bowling, or to a movie, or go to one of our houses 3 times now) We have hung out 2 times and once for only 45 min. A few nights ago when she was out with her friends she called me and my other friend up a few times and didn't say anything when we answered. That made me upset and i didn't answere her phone calls for the rest of the night. She tried to call me 12 times between 12 and 12:30 AM. When i talked to her the next day she explained that her dad was yelling at her on the other line about her cell phone bill. So I believe that she still likes me becuase she tried to get ahold of me, she even called my house phone at 12:30 at night. What do all of you think I should do??


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