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Posts posted by Rb1980

  1. 5 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

    These thoughts of your ex aren't new. You've posted at least three other threads over the past year about how you can't get this ex out of your mind despite being broken up for two years.

    Do you sincerely love your current girlfriend? Or have you always thought she's your second choice? If your ex contacted you asking to see you so you two could talk, would you be excited and hopeful? Or would you immediately dismiss and reject her because you're honestly in love with your current girlfriend?

    To be honest, I wouldn't take her back of she came into my life again. When I started getting these thoughts I actually began to look at the negative aspects of that relationship and could see how now I'm in so much more of a happier place.

    With this ex, her fluctuations in mental health were such a drain on me and made me even need to consult professional help for my own mental health.

    She regularly bought up talk about exes, she regularly complained and she wouldn't accept any changes in our daily life. 

    I think in the past I was clinging to a hope but now, definitely not. 

    Sure, there are some elements I miss but overall I think I've disregarded feelings now that would lead me to want her back

  2. 1 hour ago, DarkCh0c0 said:

    How long were you with her, and how long were you single before dating? Why did you break up?

    It's okay to have these thoughts when you've recently made a big move in your current relationship.

    We were together just under 2 years. We broke up as she just said she no longer felt she could so it any more. She lost feelings and didn't think they would come back

  3. Hey all,

    This is really weird and I don't know what's happened. 

    I'm in a relationship now entering its 8th month. Everything is great, we have loads of fun, go out all the time, meet each others friends and are really settled among each other.

    We recently moved in together which has also been an incredible experience and many of my friends comment on how I've never been happier.

    Weirdly over the past 2 weeks I started thinking about my ex from 2 years ago. No idea why, nothing provoked it that I'm aware of. I've just begun thinking about how she's getting on, what she's up to and what would happen if we bumped into each other.

    I've not seen her at all since we split and after the initial grieving stage and a small wobble early last year, I've largely not given her any thought.

    Just wondering if anyone could give insight into why out of nowhere I've started thinking like this? It's annoying me as these thoughts creep in almost daily.

  4. Hey all,

    In Feb/March 2020 an 18month relationship ended. It hit me hard and put me in a very bad way.

    Since then Ive had one other relationship that didn't pan out well, dated another girl and am now in a relationship with an amazing girl who shares similar interests, looks incredible, is funny and makes me feel genuinely loved/cared for. When I'm with her I actually feel on top of the world.


    The reasoning for my post is that I still get thoughts of this initial ex in my head. Such as how much I miss the times we had, how I wish things had gone different, how I'm jealous of her career and wondering how many guys she's been with since we split.


    Now we've been apart longer than we were together but for some reason she still seems on my mind everyone and then


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