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Posts posted by gata

  1. I was also thiking can you afford to hire someone to help her on a weekly or even montly basis?


    it must be hard for her to be alone when you're gone too, so looking for a new job might be an option....


    there are so many marriages that are ending because no one wants to do anything about it....dont' let that happen to you since you're willing to do something.


    And please ACT NOW. for women when we decide to go,most of the time we just go.....dont' let that happen. Talk to her okay?

  2. this is very nice of you to say!

    Make sure you tell her that okay! let her know that you do want to work on this and ask her for her opinion.

    Do tell her how tired you are when you are at home, but also say you want to spend time with her.

    Do you ever tell her these things, sometiems we think they know but it needs to be said.


    Tell her you want to work this together with her...


    it can go a long way!!!


    I know it would make all the difference in the world for me.


    all the best!

  3. So do you think if I arrange more things for us to do together then we might accually be able to bond more?


    it takes so much energy for me to do all this.


    why is it that he just it's all okay?


    do you know when you say a guys just say I love you until further notice? Do you guys feel it though? like when we would spend time together do you guys feel the connection, but you just dont' verbalize it?

  4. Thanks for your imput.

    it's probably true! And maybe he even feels the same way too, he might think I dont' show him the way he is used to.


    I really want to save my marriage, but the only way is to get this resolved.


    How can I "hear" him more? I really want to talk to him but I dont' want to sound judmental.


    I am starting to act like him, before I used to be so caring and hugging, smilling and giggling all the time, but now I feel so "cold"


    soooooooooooooooooooooooo confused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I really appreciate your time guys!

  5. I totally agree with you!

    Thanks for the suggestion.

    I really think he thinks he is doing all "he knows"


    The thing is how to deal with my frustration!


    I am about to explode! I can't even stand sleeping on the same bed as him anymore!


    Thanks again!

  6. Hellooooooooo


    I would like to get some feedback on my situation!


    My husband and I have a very different way of showing our emotions and expressing feelings....


    I always need him to show more emotions than he does.

    I feel very frustrated about this because it's an everyday thing.


    I need to hear some thing back please!

    This is affection our relationship very much.


    thanks for any suggestion.

  7. Hi I am sure this must be hard.

    Ithink you should ask her out again. something simple. Talk to her and see how it goes. If you can be honest about how you would like ot get to know her more...


    I Have to go now but I'll talk more tomorrow okay?

    I'll see your reply then.


    did you get my pm?

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