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  1. hello, I was a bit skeptic about the reliablity and potential of affirmation and visualization until one day when i was able to manifest 3 desires(though very simple) in a single day. That was by the help of visualization technique. Now, i wantto use the power to achieve something that can change my life completely. I want to affirm for a new house in a new locality which has been very necessaryfor me to get free from all the nuisance, bothering, irritation and mental torture i'm getting in the current environment from people around me.Due to these factors, my previous attempt for mental and spiritual achievements had failed. Now, what should i do to manifest a new home in a new place(about 1 mile away from where i'm living now) as soon as possible? visualization, i think would be a better choice but can i combine affirmation alongwith? if yes how (how many repititions, how long, at what time etc.) and i've also heard that when you perform things like magick and spells, u should forget about the goal and let universe to act upon. I have a strong faith on god but not on myself. Please, tell me what should i do? xigs
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