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Posts posted by Leah33

  1. Yes, I had abnormally large white blood cells. One possibility was a B12 deficiency. So I've been supplementing my intake of B12. I also am making sure to get outside in the sun to help with Vitamin D.




    If your Vitamin D levels are below range a very high dose of Vitamin D is typically prescribed (if I remember correctly it was for two days) followed by regular supplementation. I was told when Vitamin D levels are exceptionally low that diet/exercise/lifestyle alone won't help.


    I know when it's low it can cause your body to feel like you've been hit with a sledge hammer and it does affect mood so thought it might be worth mentioning.


    Hope you get to the bottom of it!


    I'm not sure what's up with the achy joints. I've been tested for RA and I don't have it. My doctor ran umpteen tests last winter and nothing. Mostly my hands, wrists, elbows and shoulders. Sometimes I wake up so achy it's hard to get up. And other days I feel better. Go figure.


    I had similar too last year and the doctors ran tons of tests. Turned out to be low levels of Vitamin D.


    Did you have those checked?

  3. Today I asked my mother if we could clean up some of her clutter and her response to me was that "she does not want to talk about it".


    I pay for the housing and bills so I should be able to have a clean living space.


    I just have such contempt for her and I'm counting the days that I don't have to deal with her.


    (end rant)

  4. I ordered wipes from an online retailer. Two hours later they cancelled my order "unavailable" so now I have a $10 coupon if I choose to return. But no extra wipes...


    We were fortunate we had tons of toilet paper and paper towels to begin with but we started running out. Hope you can find some wipes soon!

  5. I can't completely cross but I move away and it works fine. In the crowded city I grew up in it's very hard to socially distance - my mother still lives there and takes walks at "off times" on less crowded streets.


    Me too. I'm on the West Coast so it's a bit more spread out, thankfully.


    I can't say though that I am not growing a tad restless with the continuance of the stay at home order.

  6. I'm not sure about other areas but in my neck of the woods the majority of residents do practice social distancing. I don't think it's that difficult for people to keep a safe distance from each other when out in public. When I am out for walks if I see someone approaching my vicinity, I simply cross the street.

  7. The number of Coronavirus cases in our state is about .1% of the population. I think we are going to be one of the first states to reopen but who knows when that will be.


    With numerous protests going on it's clear many are growing impatient.

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