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Posts posted by chickensoup

  1. I know this is long and probably boring for most ppl but it is just somthing i feel that is a problem for me and i wanna tell somone. >_


    Well, how do i start~ i am currently a college student and i am on my winter break (1month). but like last year my gf went to Hong kong during the break, so i am stuck here all by myself. This is when i realized that i have been spending too much time with my gf that i have broke away from many of my old frds. I felt pretty lonely this break, i didn't have alot of activities to do (only had fun on certain dayz, like x mas, and other gatherings).


    i feel that i have been maybe too close with my gf? and went too far away from my old frds. She is also in university and i am in college, that also make me feel really usless i guess. so after thinking about this, i have decided to not waste as much time with her...and make my life more busy by studying, getting parttime job, and etc. (i really hope i can reach this goal but it is hard>


    To make myself have a life and not be with my gf all the time i need to make frds and I have a problem with making frds nowadayz. It is hard to make frds esp now that i am in college. I am taking general studies and it is hard to get to know ppl like how i did in high school. In college general studies one semester they are in ur class, the next sem. they are gone. Also many ppl have already formed their own little goups in high school. In other places like sports i could try but it is hard or maybe jsut for me>


    I am also kinda mad that she went to hong kong... cause we are both busy with our studies and we finally more time and she goes to hk! well i guess this is a good wake up call for me not to rely on one person toooo much.


    anywayz this is probably BS to most of u but i do hope for some respond...andi feel much better typing it out...if only i could have a close frd to tell this stuff to.......sigh


    Thank you for reading this!

  2. I think i feel more reassured now, thanks to all the comments given. I feel much better than a hour ago when i read the other circumsized topic here and looked at those websites; they made it seem like the end of the world. but i still think that doctors should explain all the con before the sugury. i also think they should ban this kind of sugury for ppl without a problem. they should ban it just like how they banned euthenasia...grrrr~!


    anywayz i hope tmw i will feel like i am in heaven. i will get back to u guys tmw. wish me luck!

  3. yes i know bout the post under:S that is where i read the cons and i search up some research on it too. i really dislike the thing about losing senstivity there. some guy qouted, " it is like lving in a black and white world instead of a color world." but than i was circumsized was was young so i never masterbated before i got circumsized. what if i dun feel anything from getting head ...omg i would feel so depressed!

  4. sigh, right now i feel kinda depressed about being circumsized. When i was little, my parents and doctors never told me the cons of having the fore skin removed. The reason it was removed was becasue i was young(alwayz forget to clean it) and had more forskin on the penis or somthing related to that. Later i found out in Bio class that there is no advantage toward higine to have it circumsized (it was stated in the textbook clearly)!


    I was all excited today because my gf was gonna give me head tommorw. so i was just seaching up things about the penis and found out that being circumsized reduces pleasure by alot.


    Now i feel mad, sad and other mixes of emotions. I feel like i will never get as much pleasure if any from anything (even sex).not taht i have had sex before.

    i feel really down rite now >_<.>



  5. my girlfriend is having a problem where she can't stop herself from getting "wet" "down there" even when she is not turned on(sleeping,doing work, etc.) and she is not thinking about anything that would turn her on unless doing hw turns her on@_@".This has been happening for 4 dayz now. The only thing that could most likly be the problem is that i figered her in the swimming pool, and maybe some chorine got inside of her and is irritating it. Please give some help on waht is going on



  6. ty for your opinion mshollywod it is really helpful! umm well i don't think she is much of a pda person because whenever we are with our friends she does like holding hands or hugging as much><....>


    and yada's question ....yes she is a chinese americian ...she's been in america for almost her whole life but her mom is a traditional chiese person. Her mom has big impact on her;her mom doesn't like her wearing clothes that expose too much skin and etc. and also other values like mshollywod said


    Ya i think doing more sports with her would be a nice way ... but i wonder if i should talk to her about this problem too? but i am scared and feeling ueasy telling her to open up cause than she might not be doing it willingly

  7. ty for ur advice ~! that really helps. The problem is i don't alwayz want to take the lead><....i would feel happier if she somtimes does. also just hugging and kissing alone for years is kinda getting boring of cuz we do other stuff too...but i don give me the feeling anymore u know what mean seems to never have complains about our relationship really easygoing dun know:s so want alwayz sound like one complaining. after talking her problem doing it voluntary but forcfully make happy.>


    She says no sex before mariage which is reasonable ....but after reading some post in this forum i am starting to think that even if we get married we won't have much of a sex life since she is so shy?innocent?no active? i don't know what word to use to describe what i feel. I dout she would feel like being getting hurt cause i was the one that felt taht way before but she said she did not-_- (i feel like i worri too much while she worries too little.)

  8. well i think a good way to fight bordom is go do some sports~! tat is what i do....playing a team sport is a nice way to meet people. for example, i go play badminton and it is a good way to meet people.


    i wouldn't recommend sitting on a computer playing game or etc. even if u meet people in a game i don't think it will be eazy to find a girl frd there.


    that is all ican think of at the moment....hope this helps u. also wanna answer my question about my relationship (since ur bored rite

  9. I am not trying to be races or anything...so sorri if u feel offended


    I am just wondering if chinese ppl's relationships are different from other relationship (or maybe it's just mine). i been with my gf for 3 years now, and i feel like we aren't doing anything but (somtimes) hug and (somtimes) kiss that is IF I do it first. If i didn't tell her that i felt we were not physical close she probably wouldn't even do those things or notice these problems (but after i told her all she does is holding my hand). It almost feels like she is forcing herself to do these things-_-. We also do nothing new>_


    Sorri if i sound like i am complaining...but i think this is a big problem for me...so i wanted to ask if i am the only one with this problem? Or are chinese ppl like this~!

    (of cuz i am chinese too^^but i grew up in America)


    Sorri i kinda went offf topic but can u guys still help me out a bit? should i tell her i am not happy about our relationship again? (she seems to not have amy complains about our relationship...also doesn't seem to have much sexual desire either....of cuz she is really nice to me and she is a really good gf but i feel like somthing is alwayz missing...almost make me kinda feel like breaking up somtimes>

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