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Posts posted by lostguy

  1. ok so she broke up with me a month ago. It seemed like she was starting to come back...and when she wanted to hang out, i did not want too because I knew it was a bad time due to our situation, and why we broke up. She has been talking to me ever since about a week ago when all of a sudden she stopped. I know she loves to play games. Can anyone tell me what the meaning of this is, It is from her AIM profile, and she usually puts her feelings in there:

    so who's to worry if your heart gets torn

    when that hurt gets thrown

    dont you know this life goes on

    I know its lyrics to a song called This Years Love, but is she trying to tell me something, or what? To me it sounds like she feels sorry for herself, but she did the dumping why would she be sorry for herself? It doesnt make sense. She has no idea how im feeling about her, so Its not about me getting over her....It just doesnt make sense. Please help

  2. My girlfriend broke up with me a week ago, and instead of me doing the whole why and what happened thing, and crawl back to her i just started with the NC. I love her so much, and realize that if you love somone you can let them go. She broke up with me really harshly and suddenly, and acted like the past 4 months meant nothing to her. I thought she did not love me. She then went out the next two nights with her friends and pretended to be really happy. THen she started instant messaging me hello and stuff, and i ignored them because i know she was drunk. Then 4 nights after the break up and NC she said hi once again, this time i answered. I told her that i missed her, and she told me that she missed me. She has been asking my friends about me and she told them that she loves me, but knows it wont work. To me, it sounds like she is using her brain and not her heart to lead her in this decision. The last few days or so, ive waited until she talked to me, and I act completely normal and so does she. Now the story is that she wants to change but knows she cant. What does everything mean, should I say something to her about us, Im thinking i should not, and just let it be. Her problem is she thinks she should feel a certain way about me, but she doesnt think she does, or can, or will. What does all this mean, and am I handling this correctly, by acting like nothings wrong? I know she misses me, and loves me, but to her that is not enough?

  3. well I told her how I felt about her and how much she means to me. Not to try to get her back or changer her feelings but because I knew I could not walk away without her knowing how I feel. She basically just beat me down and abused me emotionally and could not believe that I still felt the same way even after she did this. I wish I could stop loving her, but I cant. I guess I just miss my friend

  4. I have been dating this girl for 4 months now. We go to college together and are studying abroad together. Up until a few weeks ago the relationship has been progressing very quickly. Being so apart from home we spent lots of time together and its almost like not reality. Recently her single friends have challenged the relationship and have put all these ideas in her head. She says she loves me one day and the next wants to break up cause she says that I am not right for her and that our personalities clash. I tell her to stop listening to her friends cause misery wants company. She thinks they are right and that we should not be together. I love her very much and want her to be happy. I dont know what to do from here, should we break up completely, or slow down. We go home soon and I feel that the relationship will only get better but she disagrees. I do not want to loose the best thing that has ever happened to me.

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