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Everything posted by gvdobson

  1. Well it's Friday now, and still no phone call. Should I wait until it's been a week? I don't really like that idea, but I don't want to seem pushy. HEEEELLLLPPPP!
  2. It would help if there were other people out there to meet. The big problem I have right now is where I live. My little hometown has everything I need, except a decent(or any to be frank) female population that I would be attracted to. So my options are kind of non-existant right now. But you guys are right about me worring too much. That doesn't mean that I won't check up on her when the time is right. I'm not going to rush this, but I'm also not going to sit on my hands and let a good opportunity pass me by. It's been too long since anyone I really like was available around here.
  3. This is an intersting situation. I called a girl Monday, and asked her out. Nothing specific, so no pressure. She asked me MY number, said she would call me, and told me that she would give me her number when she had one(she just moved in). She visits her mother on Sunday and Monday, so I CAN call her there(that's how I got hold of her initially). My question is, how long do I wait before trying to get hold of her again. I know it's only been two days, but I can't help but get antsy. She did say yes about going out some time, and she told me her schedule, as well as asking me MY number. My plan was to wait until a week after I first called. I think this is the right way to go, giving her space and all, but I'm really just worried about her calling me at all. I shouldn't worry, but that's a little bit impossible for me.
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