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Posts posted by lostandneedhelp

  1. Day 5 - I have broken NC a couple of times in the past month so I am back at day 5.... previous I had hope but now everything is such a distant memory, 3 months since the break up and a month on from last seeing her. She clearly doesn't want to be with me and I dont even feel I want to be with her, I just hate the thought of her with other people, then again Im sure every ex feels this way....


    The sad thing is, I still have hope for her to contact me, just because she has never stuck it out. Maybe I am not over her like I think I am, or maybe I just want to feel wanted, I don't know. Either way every day gets easier.

  2. Day 3..... its now been over 2 weeks since I last saw her and this no contact thing is not nearly as bad as I thought it would be, i have not contacted her first in the 2 weeks once, but I was guilty of replying and hence why I am back at day 3. I am proving to be quite useless at moving on at the moment, last night I spoke to quite a lot of girls when out at a night club, had good interest and for the umteenth time I just walked away after 5 minutes talking as they just werent my ex. I dont feel I need my ex, but I am not ready 2 move on...... I just hope my good fortune with women of late remains once I am ready to move on.

  3. This really isn't going well. People start talking behind my back, it gets twisted and suddenly im getting accused of cheating when i was with the ex when i did absolutally nothing of the sorts, so obviously NC broken to defend my corner. Infact, its been 2 weeks since the break up and in that time for sum reason I have had more female attention than I have ever in my life and I still can't even bring myself to flirt or anything as it feels like cheating still...... obviously I am not ready for new girls yet and need to focus on re-building my own life first!


    Back to day 1 again

  4. Ok i am so much younger than you and my advice probably for that reason will be ignored but hey......


    You need to stop holding on to a lost cause. I recently split with my gf, ok it was only 6 months, but she was my first love (or so i believe) and she was my first sexual partner. I pretty much got played about like you, it didnt last 3 months like you but she did go off with my best mate. I have now moved on, ok it will take you longer because you sound like you were together a much longer time, but all you need to do is try and be positive, try and spend as much time doing 'things'.


    You say you havent got a job? If you havent there is a prefect oportunity to waste away some time. Im sure time feels to be passing so much more slowly than before, it will, but give it time and it will speed up again. Go out and find a job, write applications, this will pass time. Also go out to places and try to meet friends, the whole world isn't against you, there will be people out there who want to be you friend, just try avoiding talking about this to much to new people until you feel you can trust them and they know you (hopefully by that time you will have moved on anyway).


    Time is the key here, your pain will not go away over night, you will still have sleepless nights and will still feel like you don't want to eat........ but you must try and eat, at least enough to keep you going.


    You have become fixated on one person, you can't see anyone else past her, she is the best thing to ever happen to you and no one will beat her...... THATS ALL RUBBISH. There are people out there, nicer women who will treat you better and will treat you like you are king of the world, just like you treated you ex as a queen. You just need to try and believe that someone better will come around because at the end of the day they will!


    Don't contact her now, let it be.... if she really wants you she will come back to you. By calling her, txting her etc. you are giving her what she needs.... a real reason to leave you, she doesn't want someone that is obssesed with her. She wants a bit more of a challenge, calling her all hours of the day is just letting her know you are weak and with that she is getting stronger and forgetting about you!!! So stop the chasing.

  5. my ex and i broke up about a month ago for the first time after 5 months, tried to get back together but only lasted 5 days about 2 weeks ago. Since this time she has kissed my best mate and flirted with nearly every boy going and i was getting very down about this and hated my best mate for doing it to me. A few days back i met a new girl that i planned to meet up with again, my ex found out and got very upset over the next 3 days, but didnt tell me what was up until the third day after many tears that i couldnt understand.


    Last night i went over her house to do some work together (we are still good friends despite her breaking my heart). She was very flirtatious with me and one thing lead to another and we ended up laying on her bed together and we kissed and hugged for near on an hour and a half straight. Afterwards she tells me how much she loves me and stuff and how she hopes i am not just trying to hurt her by doing this. However in a brief oment of discussion earlier in the night she had said she loves me and really wants to be with me but being single at the moment is probably what she wants (with exams comes up mayb?).


    We were both eachothers 'firsts' and both eachothers first loves too. During the time together i became to jealous and clingy in my opinion which lead to arguments on a daily basis. After the time appart i have realised all of my mistakes and want to give it another try but by asking for another chance i am being needy again. She said she thought she was over me until she foudn herself getting upset over me and a new girl. Does she genuinly want to be with me or is she just afraid of losing me? and is playing hard to get and not making first contacts the best way to get her back? Or is she purely after 'fun' with me (she did say "i can see us sleeping together again before long" whilst i was with her last night)?


    Sorry this is long, any help would be most appreciated.



  6. A week ago my gf (of 5 months spending nearly every day together, probably why we argued a lot) broke up with me saying we argued to much and that it didnt feel the same as it used 2, i left her house giving her a quick hug and that was it really. The next day i get a txt saying she really missed me and she didnt know if she had made the right decision, i replied saying that i'd give her time and space so she could realise what she wanted to which she agreed.


    The next 3 days i gave her space but she kept coming to find me, she saw me around a few times and came upto me for hugs, i gave a quick hug back, spoke quickly and then said i had to go and that id speak to her later. Well for these 3 days she cried almost non stop, she kept texting saying she thinks she made the wrong decision.


    The friday just gone she invited me over to see her before she went on a week long skiing holiday. I agreed as i was missing her a little too and saying no would have upset her again. She kept hugging me and kissing me, i didnt resist because i love her and saw it as we were back together. I then had to leave for work, i left with us both saying we loved eachother and that we would miss each other. I txt her that night to see how her journey was going, she txt back talking generally and after me asking what was happening with us she replied that she wasn't sure what she wanted still.


    3 days straight she kept txting me. One the 2nd night i txt saying are we completally over because it seemed like it from what she was txting but she asked for more time saying she wasn't sure what she wanted still. Yesterday (4th day) she didnt text at all.


    Im so confused what is going on, i love her so much and she says she still loves me but yet she isn't sure if she wants to be with me or not. I need a proper answer because i cant get over her until she says its over and if she wants to be with me still all well and good. What is she trying to do to me? I have had so many sleepless nights and i have lost my appitite. She knows that i love her and i miss her but i dont want to let it on to much because i dont want to sound desperate.


    I really want to talk to her properly because texting is doing my head in, it is so annoying.


    Any advice as to what she may be thinking at the moment and as to what i should do would be greatly appreciated



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