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Posts posted by saltnpepper

  1. Hello all,

    Heres my story

    I have real good (guy) friend who stood by me in difficult time. He has a girlfriend long distance! they have been going out for 4 year. he is real serious about her and says he values commitment above everything. He is planning to marry her soon. I respect him for all this.


    Where do I fit in the picture?

    He and I work in the same area. We are together all the time go out for lunch come and leave from work together. I feel he is the perfect guy for me. He takes care of me. But he considers me purely a friend. we talk about everything... but only as friends, you know what I mean.

    Sometimes I feel he would like me, if only he did not have a gf.


    Everybody from my office and his thinks we are going out. I got a little disturbed with this and tried to pull back. But some how I still am doing the same things...he talks me back into hanging out with him and I mmyself cant hold back.


    But I just feel that once his gf comes I am going to be nowhere. I spoke to him about this and he assured me that he will not be able to spend as much time but he will still care about me the same.


    I really dont understand how to handle this thing. I value his friendship and love to spend time with him. But on the other hand I feel like I just a fall back or a buffer as they say.


    Pls tell me am I wrong about this. Should I withdraw !

  2. Well we know each other for two month now. We have seen each others pictures. I dont think that is the problem. I dont know about the interest though. The last talk has created some suspision. He was little skeptical about the whole thing. I dont want to continue talking if there is no future, just dont want to build up hopes. I do that unconsciously.


    I dont want to get hurt all over again

  3. Hello everybody


    I am talking to this recently on the phone and we both think that we are compatible and that we should meet soon to get to know each other well.

    When I spoke to him the last time he told me that he is not planing to meet me in near future as the tickets from his place to my place are too expensive. He said that he will be looking out for deals and we will see if we can meet sometime sooner. We have not been talking to each other as frequently as we used to( he doesnt call as much)


    I dont know what to make out of all this and how shld I proceed with this matter.

  4. I was pondering............. do the dumpees repeat the same mistakes they did with their first failed relationship. Even though they realize their mistakes, and get dumped again in a new relationship. Is it a deadly cycle one is caught in.


    Just because once u get into a new relationship, everything feels so wonderful that one tends to forget the cardinal rules learned from earlier mistakes!!!!!!!


    How many here have been dumbed more than twice by different person?

    If the answer is yes, it seems scary

  5. Hi there


    A few days ago, a guy (I never had seen him before) approached me in school. He said that I was looking pretty! We had a small talk and then he gave me his # and asked me to call him sometime so that we can get together.

    I never called him back as I had read somewhere that the guy who gives yoy his #, is not really ready to pursue you. And in the end you end up doing most of the work and get hurt !!!!!


    Is this true or its no big deal?

  6. Well I am not madly in love with him. As I know he is already taken and I dont want his gf go through the same awful experience that I went through a few months back. Atleast i dont want to be the one causing it.

    I really value his friendship and dont want to lose him at any cost also do u guys think I am ruining my chances of being in a relationship by being constantly with him.

  7. Hi DN

    Thanks for the advice. I tried doing that earlier and he calls me incessantly and he gets mad when I refuse to wait for him in the school so that we can go home together (we come and go to school together everyday). He stops talking to me normally then and I cant bear this.

  8. Hi everybody,

    I went through a really bead breakup 6 months ago. One of my friends (guy) stood by me and helped me get through it. He was there for me whenever I needed him and heard to my non stop crying about my ex.


    My friend is into a long distance relationship. he meets his gf thrice a yr and talks to her evryday for about half an hour. We are together all the time in school and at home. Whenever he has time between his classes he calls me and we go for coffe or lunch. People have started talking about us. And some of them have directly come and asked me about it.


    I honestly would love to be in his life as his gf but I never mention or show him this as I know he cares about his gf and is totally committed. And i dont want to be the relationship wreaker.

    He on the other hand doesnt feel anything about me or atleast doesnt show it out.


    I get disturbed when people assume that we are into a relationship and tease me about him! My close friends advice me not to hang out with him so much coz no guy will ever ask me out if they see me hanging out with him all the time.

    I have really become addicted to his company.

    My heart doesnt allow me to stop seeing him frequently and my head tells me to stop it.

    He is getting married soon and I fear rather I am sure he will stop meeting me frequently after his would be wife moves here.


    Pls advice how should I handle this relationship???

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