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Posts posted by Loner8080

  1. Hey,


    thanks for everyone's responses to my last post. ( link removed )


    Anyways, things were decent the this month until this week (she still has some affection and open-ness issues as you can readin my above/first post). I got swamped with college and my job and become super stressed out. My girlfriend doesn't help me deal with my problems or provide any emotional support, so I became sort of distant. She obviously noticed i was depressed but she kind of ignored it. It was like I was totally alone while my girlfriend was 5 feet away.


    So today, I'm feeling a little better (it's friday) and she drops my skateboard off and I hear her tell my mom that she doesn't need her to get me for a second to say hi or anything. I happened to catch her as she was going back to her car and she said she had to work, etc, etc and that she had to go because work starts in 10 minutes (her work is literally down the street within walking distance.) So we said bye and she left.


    I like her, but this just sort of reinforced my thoughts that she simply does not care about me.


    Am I at fault?

    What should I do?

    I have been considering breaking up with her, but I'm not sure yet... should I?




  2. whoops, sorry, I didn't relize you were logged this comp still.


    This is her first relationship and I DO care a lot about her.


    Se shows affection by kissing. Anything else she does seems like she doesn't NEED to do it, she just does it. I can't explain it very well. I am really affectionate to her and i kiss her and try to cuddle with her.


    She wasn't abused or anything by family either. They are just conservative.



  3. Thanks for responding,


    When I started our last convosation about why she isn't affectionate, I asked her why she wanted a boyfriend. She said

    "to get massages, HAHAHAHAHA!"

    me: long pause

    she eventually said she just wanted someone to be a close friend to her, to laugh with her, hang out with her, "and all the other stuff too," etc.

    she went on to say she would try to be more affectionate and that she "wanted to be."


    I haven't talked to her about her emotional 'status.' She won't answer it and if she does it will be "i dunno."


    I especially hate telling her I'm sad if i'm talking to her on the phone or the internet, because of what she does to friends.

    after his girlfriend cheated on him

    friend: "My day was sooo bad."

    her: i'm sitting next to her as she is rolling her eyes and muttering "godddddd" but types:

    "i'm sorry"


    I can only HOPE she doesn't do this to me.


    It's not something I can change either.

    ahhh. too much to process, i'll end this



  4. Hello.


    I'm new to this forum, but I need some advice.


    Okay, my girlfriend and I have been in a relationship for 3 and a half months now. At first I had a VERY hard time getting her to do as much as touch me. She will kiss me now, but it seems like that is all she wants to do when she does anything physical. Sometimes it really bothers me when we're all alone sitting on a couch or something and she wont initiate anything. It's useless talking to her cause I've allready done that several times.


    She isn't very emotional either, Ii guess. She never really expresses how she feels. It's always like "it sucks" when she's sad about something, but she will NEVER show it. She has told me she won't in the past because "it's dumb." And she is always making jokes. Which is great, but it's to the point where i feel if i tell her I'm sad cause of ____, she will make a joke out of it.


    Also, I feel like she doesn't care about me any more. This above two things have been making me depressed over the past week and she has picked up on it. She said "why the long face?" and laughed. That just made it worse for me. When I have a bad day it doesn't seem like she cares at all.


    Anyways, I am kinda looking to get it all out and to maybe get some advice on what i should do.



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