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  1. Thanks, I know it's not legal but if it were ----what would you use?
  2. He will start taking interest in his clothing and how he looks, may work out more, unexplained late meetings, cell phone locked and bills hidden. Cash out of account from ATM so money spent not tracked. Very happy at times and other times a grouch, picks fights for no reason, goes for a ride or private places to make calls, your sex life picks up or gets worst depending on his mood. He will feel guilty and not look you in the eyes, he may lose weight from stress, listens to love songs and is in la la land. Just a few signs and many more to come.
  3. Ive heard this is common. I just need to know how, where to buy and cost? Has anyone done this before. Spare me the flames, just want the facts. Need to catch him so I believe it myself. Thanks. 8)
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