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  1. Well, I think being single can really start bothering you, even if you are otherwise happy. Like me. Especially if you are generally inexperienced with people. However, this site got me worried, one thread in particular. (You can look at my posting history to find out which). I was perfectly content being single before stumbling upon that thread, I thought I had my life figured out and that everything was under control. Sure, sometimes when falling asleep, I'd think it would be nice if there was someone to hug next to me, and other similar things like that, but nothing drastic. All my life, I have had other things to worry about other than being single and how to appeal to the opposite sex, thus, I have never given these things any priority or had any practice at getting good at it. Now I suddenly realize that it actually requires a lot more practice than I expected and there aren't any textbooks or equations to tell me how to do it, what is more, people my age and much younger tend to be more experienced than me, that really kills my self-esteem and sense of control over my life. But I try not to get stressed out about it, I try to think of the whole deal as falling asleep, if you try and get all nervous, chances are you won't fall asleep any time soon, but if you just let your thought drift seamlessly(or when trying to find a partner, you simply start socialising more, start meeting new people ect.), it will eventually happen without you noticing it. Edit: added some left out words and fixed typos.
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